Nowadays a bigger life expectancy is had, therefore, is importantssimo to determine the mechanisms for which the exercise can improve the health, the functional capacity and the quality of life of this population. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Senator Elizabeth Warren. Corazza (2001) quotation that the physical activity provides to the third age the following benefits: attainment of health, corporal domain, increase of mobility, cure against the depression, a healthful breath, positive vitality, autoconfiana, reactions, reduced tension and ansiedades, emagrece, prevents illnesses (cardiorespiratorias, hipertenso, diabetes and others), promotes the socialization and improves the functional capacity. The carried through physical activity with regularity is one of the main bases for maintenance of the health in any age. According to Olimpio et al. (2003) in the third age the physical activity is basic in such a way for the cardiovascular functions and pulmonary, as well as in the maintenance of the mental health, we only must remember I exaggerate that it in the activity is always harmful; as well as in all the ages the rest for the third age if makes still more. As Grandson (1999), the increase in 15% of the daily production of calories – about 30 minutes of moderate physical activities – can make with that sedentary individuals start to be part of the group of considered people active, diminishing, thus, its possibilities to develop diseases associates to the little active life. Our organism suffers physiological changes with passing of the time, being thus, the oldness if it becomes part of the nature of our life.
According to N3obrega (1999), the aging is a continuous process during which a gradual decline of all occurs the physiological processes. Rauchabach (2001) ' ' The aging is understood that it is a multiple and complex process of changes throughout the life, with increment of reductions and reorganizaes of functional character estrutural' '. One ponders that with the biggest life expectancy folloied of some circumstances the man if saw getting new knowledge of these alterations in its organism leading to study and to have knowledge on its aging.