Ringu Tulku: mind training. A path of transformation, edition steinrich 2011 author Ringu Tulku, monk and Buddhist scholar, explains in his new book the traditional spirit training is practiced in Tibet for centuries. He makes this refreshing, clear, simple, and for Westerners to understand way. The text is scattered not only with questions of his audience and participants, as well as his answers, but also with numerous examples and anecdotes, with whom Ringu Tulku practically comprehend the theoretical explanations leaves us. Before the author devoted to the mental training, he clarifies such issues as for example what reasons there are to follow a spiritual path, or how we find happiness and happy and we’re unhappy and others.
To do so, the author says: the external situation alone is never the decisive factor for our unhappiness. It is our inner attitude that determines whether we suffer from. We enter such a room and come to the Conclusion, he is too hot, too small or poorly furnished, then consider this room as a little comfortable and make us miserable. The space itself is it insignificant. It is the rejection of the spirit that creates our dissatisfaction.” We recognize the relationship on the basis of these explanations, as our inner attitude causes our unhappiness, so we can apply, so that we have not always back myself unhappy. It’s so easy, but without understanding reche we believe not, that it can be so easy. Using mental training, we can train our minds, as the word itself expresses.
That the ordinary mind is untrained, the author expresses so: the ordinary mind is very limited and uncertain. Our awareness is limited and we are hardly in the position, through our close and familiar world, that we are used to go out. Everything is new for us, or is outside of the usual treats us with suspicion. These limitations are of US itself created. A different state of mind but is quite possible.”and the mind-training with the simple explanations of the experienced author Ringu Tulku, a wonderful help and support can be us. Hardcover, 176 pages, ISBN 978-3-942085-11-3, Euro 14.90, Traudel Reiss