Seminar schedule is now promised in Hannover, Hamburg and Berlin performance-related pay in almost every job advertisement. Because the recruiting departments have recognized: performance-related pay is attractive to employers. How companies can provide performance-related pay and theme in Hanover, Hamburg, and Berlin is in June. The appeal of the employer depends for German workers today especially ing payment. This is the newly released results of a representative survey of over 2,000 workers took part.
Without performance-related pay unattractive after a report of the news channel N24 whopping 97.6 per cent of employees called a performance-related payment criterion for an attractive employer. Whether the activity is varied, followed with 91.4 percent in second place. Third place goes to the training of the employer (85.9 percent). It may surprise some, that the presence of a canteen (45.5 per cent) in the eyes of the employees as well as ranked the lower courses of relevance such as the use of operating kindergarten (42.3 per cent). Middle class the “big three” of factors important for the employer attractiveness scores reveal major opportunities, especially for modern and future-oriented companies of the middle class with competitive pay. All preceded the first performance-based pay: here midsize organizations can use open spaces in a mass, as it is hardly conceivable in the most corporations.
In the under-45-year-old is hardly common class struggle think: workers against employers? Not at all. Yes finally together sitting in the same boat. Particularly positive workers therefore innovative and flexible systems of ING payment on the basis of “Win-Win”. Systems of installed pay upgrade it is time, that together with prior years or decades of established objective and performance appraisal systems to undergo a critical revision this based ing payment. Both Hanover and Hamburg as well as entrepreneurs and personnel managers have the opportunity to discuss with experts and colleagues in Berlin: innovative payment systems, further developments of the classical target agreement and modern tools to measure performance. The dates are Wednesdays, at the 08.06.2011 in Hanover, at the 15.06.2011 in Hamburg and at the 22.06.2011 in Berlin. Another date is planned for the 23.08.2011 in Leipzig. A, you can see the full program on the Web page of the competence center variable remuneration. Links: Program and content: target agreement and variable remuneration systems establish and modernize directly for one of the events in Hannover, Hamburg or Berlin login if you want to interact with experts on performance-related pay, please simply record contact us.
Mediterranean Sea
Each year, more than a million visits Malta tourists, mostly Europeans. Tourists attracted by the geographical position of the islands, warm climate, bright sunshine, azure Mediterranean Sea, ancient culture, rich history local attractions. Particular attention is paid to the welcoming English-speaking population and secure environment. Everyone can find something for your taste and find many interesting and informative for you. In Malta, you have every chance to spend a quiet and relaxing holiday, escape from the routine of everyday life and enjoy the serene peace. It is worth noting that crime in the Maltese Islands is practically absent. Climate Malta is warm, soft and healthy.
There is never snow, fog, frost and cold winds. In winter the temperature rarely drops below 14 degrees Celsius. At this time, the island green, the fields covered with flowers. There is no better time of year to get acquainted with the culture and traditions of Malta, tours and walks. During the summer months of the average temperature around 29 degrees Celsius. Perfect time for sunbathing, swimming in the azure sea and diving. Heat waves are almost never happens thanks to the fresh breeze and gentle sea.
So you can endlessly basking in the waters of the Mediterranean sea, without fear of sunstroke and harmful the influence of sunlight. Fans splash in the pool can indulge in his hobby into numerous pools provided by the hotels. But if the sea beckons you to the element, not Indulge in a walk on a yacht or boat around the Maltese Islands and be sure to visit the Blue Lagoon on Comino, sea beauty will not leave you indifferent! If you decide to spend your holiday in Malta, it is necessary to determine the tour operator, which in soon as possible prepare and execute documents, including visas for Malta, Malta tours will help you choose 2009, prepare your flight, arrange transfer to hotel and back, and that will do everything quickly, efficiently and without errors. So requirements corresponds to a very few travel agencies, but I was pleasantly surprised to using the services of travel agencies Rossita Travel. My holiday in Malta was unforgettable, and tour company has worked reliably and efficiently. Enjoy your holiday!
Possible Center
With the recent adoption of the law 42/2010 (anti-tobacco law), of 30 December whose entry into force was held on January 2, 2011, there are several controversial innovations introduced by it, which affect the scope of the work center. Ban overall and restricted smoking in the workplace in the first place, in accordance with article 7 (a)) is law prohibited smoking in public or private workplaces, except in outdoor spaces. Well, the first question that arises is what is meant by space to outdoors in the field for the work center, since that concept alone is set referred to the field of hospitality, where is defined as all space not covered or the entire space that still covered is surrounded laterally by a maximum of two walls, walls or walls. Consequently the first loophole of the law focuses on determining what is a space outdoors in the field for the work center. Nevertheless the above, in accordance with (article 7 s) is law opened the possibility that the holder of a work center banned smoking even in existing areas outdoors. With the new law banning smoking in the workplace is total and unavailable to not being possible to make flexible their implementation by a collective agreement. Obligation to of signpost in the workplace the prohibition of smoking in addition, the holder of a work center has a duty to the entrance of the same alert the prohibition of smoking, and must indicate in a clear and precise way through posters written in Spanish or in any of the co-official languages existing in the respective autonomous community where the work center in question. Responsible persons, offences and penalties on the persons responsible for the Commission of offences, these may be both physical and legal.
In General will be responsible for the payment of fines who smoke in places where it is forbidden, except in some cases in which the owner of the establishment where it occurs are also responsible. Thus, the holder of a work center could be punished with the following amounts: for not reporting to the entrance of the establishment of the smoking ban, (slight violation) fine can be 30 euros to 600 euros. By allowing to smoke (serious infringement), the fine can be 601 euros to 10,000 euros. Enable areas for smoking in places not allowed (serious infringement), the fine can be 601 euros to 10,000 euros. Possible measures to be taken by the companies in response to the above, becomes recommended, among other things, that the company adopt a series of measures which, at a given moment, let try the diligent performance of the company in compliance with the law, such as: signaling the ban in addition to at the entrance of the establishment, in the different places that may be conducive to the breachsuch as locker rooms, the dining room, bathrooms, waiting rooms, the loading docks, etc. Issue a circular in the that clearly and accurately report on the smoking ban. Establish monitoring mechanisms, common to any other statement of regular operation of the company.
Fire Protection Through Modern Equipment
The Essen fire service EBS informed modern plant technology contributes to the contemporary fire of sensitive buildings in the private, corporate and public sector. The Essen fire service EBS describes its fundamental aspects bear. Fire protection technology has many faces. Systems up to fully automatic fire extinguishing systems modern technology contributes to the extinguishing means supply on fire early warning system, preventing fires, to fight and to protect lives and property. The resulting fire smoke is the Organization of unloading operations as well as the evacuation of people from the affected buildings facing substantial challenges.
Here, technical and natural smoke extraction systems make an important contribution to the discharge of flue gases from the Interior of the building. Highest in the firefighting importance early detection of fire events. A wide range of technical warning carries the respective sensitivity and risk of fire from buildings in economically vertretbarer account. Whether simple smoke detector or highly sensitive early ester detection system and fire alarm systems are the backbone of effective and targeted fire-fighting. In the event of an emergency it comes especially to protect life and limb at risk people. Escape and rescue routes are therefore a very important element of fire protection.
Technical systems such as locking facilities or excess pressure ventilation systems prevent their smoke and contribute to the rapid evacuation of the building together with emergency lighting systems. The containment of hotbeds protects ownership and life. In large industrial and office buildings it is the technical fire protection, to ensure that spread fire not structural weaknesses such as ventilation and cable shafts, but remain local with an efficient partitioning. The integration of structural and technical fire protection requires a skilled expert. The Essen-based of fire protection professionals from EBS bear engaged in this context since many years for integrated fire protection solutions, which create the necessary protection in economically reasonable way.
Internet Companies
Does all this work? Lately earn money online answering surveys you pay this much in vogue. Many people thing doing this and some say nothing so not continue filling with competitors. But is it all real? Or is it all a big scam? Long ago that companies are looking for opinions from consumers, but before lo hacian in other ways. As for example sending envelopes to the homes of the people so that they return them with opinions. The downside of this rising research and development costs that had a lot these companies. But the world changes, and these changes affected a lot the marketing departments of large companies. Now, these performed all his research over the Internet.
And how profiting from all this? How to start making money on the Internet? Simple, first you have to sign in pages of companies that offer paid surveys. But where you find companies that pay for your opinion? Well, there are pages that she was dedicated to the compilation of this information, so if you really you want to make money online I recommend that you follow the next link to find a list of companies that pay for your opinion. That is, these lists contain the names and websites of companies seeking views of future consumers. One then what you have to do is enter and register at these companies as a person interested in receiving surveys. Then, you must complete a profile and you’ll finally go to receive surveys via e-mail. This is how they work this paid surveys. Ultimately is not no scam, but it seems sometimes too easy and is it. The theme is that all part through the use of new digital media and lower costs that they provide to gather opinions. Original author and source of the article
DEKRA Akademie Bremen
Noise identify and judge – law requires specialized measurements and protection whether in the nightclub, on the trucks, in the garage or on the beverage bottling plant where noise is and people are working, the employer the duty to protect its employees against is. Since last year, the latest version of noise – and vibration-occupational safety and health regulations required each company to an inventory, the expert assessment, appropriate protection measures and the documentation of the whole. For the legislature requires a specialized person who is familiar with measurement methods as well as with the prevention or at least reduction of harmful factors. This helps not only the employees, which experienced heart palpitations and insomnia to stress much saves remains. The companies benefit from motivated employees and a lower sick leave.
The two-day DEKRA seminar is aimed at companies that allow themselves to develop a competent person as well as on external consultants, the this Want to offer local service. Common measurement methods, the adjustment and the correct handling of instruments and the evaluation of measured data are available on the curriculum in addition to physics. A second part is devoted to warnings, avoidance strategies, protective measures for people and rehabilitation for the machines. Third issue is the documentation, which is set at 30 years, so also IBNR can be assessed and the company is able to prove what it has done to protect of their employees. The law has been in force since last year, and although there are transitional periods, for example, for the German armed forces, so that they must einmotten not their entire inventory of tanks, the law for most companies is mandatory since February 2008. The seminar is offered in Berlin, Bremen, Ludwigshafen and Stuttgart.
For more information on DEKRA Akademie Bremen, phone 0421/4 17 84 0 or 27,,. The DEKRA Academy is one of the largest private Training companies in Germany. Ranging from a one-day seminar of the standard multiannual retraining, from the individual qualification to company-specific training concepts and nationwide by Aachen A to Z like Zwickau.
Inseparable Ring
A. VELENCOSO / B. CASTRILLO actress years carries a ring of gold with a red stone that has made movies and has posed in galas and catalogs. Apparently, it is a jewel of his maternal grandmother, Isabel. Penelope Cruz has a charm: a ring that seems solid gold with a crimped precious stone, perhaps a Ruby.
Sometimes he takes it on the index finger, sometimes in the void. It is his silent partner of fatigue since long time; He began appearing in his hand with his first triumphs in Hollywood, in the year 2000, when he shared poster with Matt Damon in the beautiful horses and with Johnny Depp in Blow. The famous ring appears even on this last movie poster, and again in his finger as one complement of Sofia Serrano, his character in Vanilla Sky, alongside Tom Cruise. He wore when he presented the Latin Grammy (2000) alongside Antonio Banderas, at the (2004) European film awards, when he won the award for best actress for back in Cannes (2006), on the Golden Globes (2007 and 2009) at the 2008 Berlinale and at the luncheon of nominees for Academy Awards (2009). This year put him to receive his star on the walk of Fame (in April) and in the presentation of Pirates of the Caribbean in Madrid (may). Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City is the source for more interesting facts.
Nor missing jewel in the fashion catalogs of Mango which has starred in. When he was dating Matthew McConaughey, the press said that he wore an engagement ring, but his sister, Monica Cruz, denied it: the ring he wears is a jewel of our grandmother. We do not know if is rria this ring, but is known by all the affection that Penelope has always professed his maternal grandmother, Isabel. And by the attachment of the actress shows the jewel, it could well be a family keepsake.
CHAMPIX Australia
That smoking is injurious to health has been agreed universally. Smokers should keep in mind a few points to get rid of this bad habit. Quit smoking tips are available in plenty, and there are individuals and organizations that are ready to advise what a smoker should do to escape from this child of intoxication. Despite the attempts they make, people in millions find it impossible to release them from this left(awkward) trap. Quit smoking tips should include certain unpleasant information.
Smoking is directly associated with health hazards. Smoking of tobacco, it has been established that cause infection in human lungs. Patients of hypertension or will patients suffer greatly if they have smoking habits. The recent researches have suggested that smoking of tobacco may lead to cancer which is still considered as a fatal disease. For even more analysis, hear from Dr. Neal Barnard. One important thing is that only the smokers are not affected because of inhaling the smoke.
Friends and relatives who smoke do not and who remain close to the smokers receive greater injury, because they are passive smokers and passive smoking is far more dangerous. This is not the end of the story. Millions of men and women smoke everyday and they exhale everyday smoke of tobacco into the atmosphere. The atmosphere is thus vitiated regularly the result of which horrible. Quit smoking tips should’nt so contain this undesirable fact. Relentless campaign against smoking should be important part of the quit smoking tips. When it is clear that smoking is injurious to human health and to the health of the earth’s atmosphere, campaign against smoking must be conducted and continued to combat this menace. Media of all kinds, governmental and non-governmental, online and offline media included, must come forward to spread necessary information on regular basis to fight against the smoking habit of humanity. There should not be any compromising process for a smoker to withdraw him / her from nicotine intoxication. Funny it seems, when a smoker states that he / she would quit smoking slowly. This is more like a plea, because the particular smoker will be in touch of the smoking habit and would give up smoking finally. The smokers must decide that they would leave smoking for good. Determination of the smokers is the significant weapon battle disgusting in this. There are people who have freed them from such catastrophe chains. Hence, it is possible for the rest to follow. This is the best part of the quit smoking tips. Samantha Nicole is writer of quit smoking pill Coupons.
Inseparable Ring
A. VELENCOSO / B. CASTRILLO actress years carries a ring of gold with a red stone that has made movies and has posed in galas and catalogs. Apparently, it is a jewel of his maternal grandmother, Isabel. Penelope Cruz has a charm: a ring that seems solid gold with a crimped precious stone, perhaps a Ruby.
Sometimes he takes it on the index finger, sometimes in the void. It is his silent partner of fatigue since long time; He began appearing in his hand with his first triumphs in Hollywood, in the year 2000, when he shared poster with Matt Damon in the beautiful horses and with Johnny Depp in Blow. The famous ring appears even on this last movie poster, and again in his finger as one complement of Sofia Serrano, his character in Vanilla Sky, alongside Tom Cruise. He wore when he presented the Latin Grammy (2000) alongside Antonio Banderas, at the (2004) European film awards, when he won the award for best actress for back in Cannes (2006), on the Golden Globes (2007 and 2009) at the 2008 Berlinale and at the luncheon of nominees for Academy Awards (2009). This year put him to receive his star on the walk of Fame (in April) and in the presentation of Pirates of the Caribbean in Madrid (may). Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City is the source for more interesting facts.
Nor missing jewel in the fashion catalogs of Mango which has starred in. When he was dating Matthew McConaughey, the press said that he wore an engagement ring, but his sister, Monica Cruz, denied it: the ring he wears is a jewel of our grandmother. We do not know if is rria this ring, but is known by all the affection that Penelope has always professed his maternal grandmother, Isabel. And by the attachment of the actress shows the jewel, it could well be a family keepsake.
CHAMPIX Australia
That smoking is injurious to health has been agreed universally. Smokers should keep in mind a few points to get rid of this bad habit. Quit smoking tips are available in plenty, and there are individuals and organizations that are ready to advise what a smoker should do to escape from this child of intoxication. Despite the attempts they make, people in millions find it impossible to release them from this left(awkward) trap. Quit smoking tips should include certain unpleasant information.
Smoking is directly associated with health hazards. Smoking of tobacco, it has been established that cause infection in human lungs. Patients of hypertension or will patients suffer greatly if they have smoking habits. The recent researches have suggested that smoking of tobacco may lead to cancer which is still considered as a fatal disease. For even more analysis, hear from Dr. Neal Barnard. One important thing is that only the smokers are not affected because of inhaling the smoke.
Friends and relatives who smoke do not and who remain close to the smokers receive greater injury, because they are passive smokers and passive smoking is far more dangerous. This is not the end of the story. Millions of men and women smoke everyday and they exhale everyday smoke of tobacco into the atmosphere. The atmosphere is thus vitiated regularly the result of which horrible. Quit smoking tips should’nt so contain this undesirable fact. Relentless campaign against smoking should be important part of the quit smoking tips. When it is clear that smoking is injurious to human health and to the health of the earth’s atmosphere, campaign against smoking must be conducted and continued to combat this menace. Media of all kinds, governmental and non-governmental, online and offline media included, must come forward to spread necessary information on regular basis to fight against the smoking habit of humanity. There should not be any compromising process for a smoker to withdraw him / her from nicotine intoxication. Funny it seems, when a smoker states that he / she would quit smoking slowly. This is more like a plea, because the particular smoker will be in touch of the smoking habit and would give up smoking finally. The smokers must decide that they would leave smoking for good. Determination of the smokers is the significant weapon battle disgusting in this. There are people who have freed them from such catastrophe chains. Hence, it is possible for the rest to follow. This is the best part of the quit smoking tips. Samantha Nicole is writer of quit smoking pill Coupons.