Speak Positively

If our way of speaking ever has been impacted, then our children will learn automatically our same language. Talk positively is not learned listening to a sermon from parents to children but, hearing and seeing the ordinary language naturally that we have parents. If we want our son speak good words, be optimistic, keep a positive attitude and properly react to difficult circumstances, then we have a big task and mission to fulfill. When the day is cloudy or rainy and we exclaim: that formidable day! Or say the opposite: that horrific day! And our kids hear it, will be affected depending on our expressions, or not? We learn to say yes, whether or not, not. People such as Assurant Health would likely agree. We want to or not, we are modeling for our children primarily.

How we react to an economic situation, for example when we have no eat, will be assimilated by them. We’re quiet or calm and hopefully a provision or search it can be somewhat more difficult, for example after a disaster natural, but if we have learned everything that happens around is well, then, we reaccionaremos with an attitude positive, calm and peace, but also to find a solution soon, for example if was I flooded the House. It is an art that has been lost, the ability to speak effectively and positive. Perhaps we should discard and combat all our thoughts of fear, anguish and unease first and then start to cultivate a new language. We must never throw curses anyone, because these curses we can revert and harm us, before on the contrary we must cultivate wish good for others.

We must bless instead of curse. If this our children we hear parents, them, be assured we will imitate. Don’t complain and they will not complain, do not curse and they not curse. We’re going life is practical, we do not waste the opportunity that our language suffer a transformation rather than our children begin to speak in a positive way. We try to focus our thoughts and our lives for speaking well of others, We seek opportunities to see the virtues of others and recognize them, will change us and others also. Our words have power, to do right for doing wrong, to destroy or to build, to encourage or to discourage. By Profe. Ramiro Ruiz Rojas P.D. If you want more articles like this. visit my blog: original author and source of the article.

Author: admin