Month: February 2019
As other decks of Tarot, the Tarot of Marseilles is divided in two main groups: – Arcane Minors: The deck consists of 56 letters of four woods: Btons (coarse), pes (swords), Coupes (glasses) and Deniers (golds), like the Spanish deck, and goes of the Ace (1) to the 10. Besides these, four allegorical figures for each wood exist: Valet (sota), Chevalier or Cavalier (horse), Reigns (reigns) and Roi (king). – Arcane Majors: They are a total of 22 naipes numbered. Sometimes, the letter ” The Loco” it is not numbered, considering or the letter number ” 0″ or ” 22″. I. Him Bateleur (the Magician) This arcane major astrologically belongs to Neptune and Saturn II.
The Papesse (the Papisa or the Priestess) the arcane one of the Priestess belongs astrologically to Venus and Urano. III. L” Impratrice (the Empress) Astrologically belongs to Venus and the Sun. IV. L” Empereur (the Emperor) This arcane one represents Aries astrologically. Their planets are Uranus, the Sun and Mars V.
Him Pape (the Pope or the Extreme one Priest) the arcane major of the Extreme Priest belongs astrologically to Taurus, and their planets are Jupiter and Urano. I SAW. L” Amoureux (the Enamored one) the arcane major of the Enamored ones belongs astrologically to Piscis. The Laws of Human Nature: the source for more info. Their planets are Saturn and Sun VII. Him Chariot (the Car) This arcane one belongs astrologically to Cancer and their planets are Mars and Saturn. VIII. The Justice (Justice) the arcane major dEla Justice belongs astrologically to I read, their planets are Mars and Jupiter IX. L” Hermite (the Hermit) the arcane major of the Hermit belongs astrologically to Virgo. X. The Roue de Fortune (the Wheel of the Fortune) the arcane major of the Wheel of the Fortune belongs astrologically to Jupiter. XI. The FORCE (the Force) the arcane major of the Force belongs astrologically to I read. XII. Him Pendu (the Hung one) the arcane major of the Hung one belongs astrologically to the water signs. XIII. The Mort (the Death) the arcane one of the Death belongs astrologically to Escorpio. Their planets are Mars and Saturn XIV. Temprance (the Templanza) the arcane one major of the Templanza belongs astrologically to Aquarius and it is prevailed by the air and the water. XV. Him Giveable (the Devil) the arcane major of the Devil belongs astrologically to Capricorn and their planets are Saturn and Mercury. XVI. The Maison Dieu (the Tower or the House of God) the arcane major dEla Tower has as planet runs to Pluto. XVII. L” toile (the Star) the arcane major dEla Star belongs astrologically to Piscis, and their planets are Saturn and Pluto. XVIII. The Lune (the Moon) Astrologically, the arcane major of the Moon belongs to Aquarius XIX. Him Soleil (the Sun) the arcane major of the Sun belongs astrologically to Mercury. XX. Him Jugement (the Judgment) the arcane major of the Judgment belongs astrologically to the fire. XXI. Le Monde (the World) the arcane major of the World belongs astrologically to Saturn and its planet is Mercury. Without number. Him Mat (the Crazy person) In a distance of tarot represents the set of the universal key.
Old Stress
In the EU, esteem that loses 80 billions of dollars by this annually ” novedosa” disease: stress. To know more about this subject visit Dr. John Mcdougall. In fact, Japan lives one on the estresantes systems of the planet due to factors like the population HD, the house type of 45 meters squared in which five people in average, the being live a country whipped in winter by frozen winds of Siberia and in summer by storms of the Pacific. And to add something more, the earthquakes; his deficiency of resources, since they are needed to concern near 85% of everything what they consume, has taken which it to also have a leadership in ulcers, alcoholism, tobacco addiction, et cetera. All these symptoms are conjugated to produce stress and it has managed itself to establish a direct relation of this phenomenon with the quality, being an inversely proportional factor, that is to say, whichever major is stress, minor quality is obtained and to the inverse one. Nevertheless, it is common to observe so much in the industrial plants as in the offices of the Japan, that are programmed interruptions each two or three hours to manage to desestresar to its people, and thus, with gymnastic tables for example, it is possible to resist the prophetic effects of this disease.
Instructive experiences have been realised on the matter, with mice of laboratory submissive experiments in which they are placed in cages of such form which they are crippled of all movement; they receive strong electrical unloadings cyclical, and after a predetermined time they are operated to observe the physiological effects: consideration ulcers can be measured, cardiac problems and cancer principles are even detected; however when to the animal the movement is allowed him, even though it cannot escape of the cage, the effects occur in a proportion from one to 10 in relation to the totally immobilized animal. It is created wrongly that, to desestresar itself, it is enough with leaving vacations or weekend, or by means of the practice of some sport in some hour of the day, without considering that, exactly the tensions will be transferred to the sunny beach or the colorful and rythmical room of aerobics. In order to avoid this, diverse systems have been implemented already that, carried out several times during the day, resist the mortal effects of stress. Stress has influenced in considerable form in the quality of products; thus for example, in the United States it is had typified the bad quality that leaves the plant Mondays, day in which the personnel is highly estresado. In Mexico, with the production of Fridays in afternoon, when the anxieties to leave are become serious, we see that the quality can vary considerably; if to this we added that some supervisors like to scare their people, surprising it when it commits an error, is a fact who add, to the tension, a certain tremor that accompanies to the workers the rest by the day. Also it is certain that despite being in fashion, stress is as old phenomenon as the humanity, since it is a defense system that puts to us on the alert before the danger and we can conceptualizar it like necessary for the survival. If we drugged to one gacela to induce sleep its senses, we will see how when happening before a lion, its natural predator, instead of to escape it will happen without perturbing; surely it will be the last negligence of his life, and although stress is not properly this vital alert, always the attention to survive has produced tension.
Growing your Business
Growing your business does not have to be such a difficult task. There are a few things you can do that do not have to break the budget or escalate your working hours. For example, opening up your firm as a franchise opportunity, gives you the profits without the pain. Also, licensing your product is a low-cost way of taking your business to the next level.
Mein Kampf
That one only can be member of the people that possesss German blood (…) no Jew, therefore, it can be member of povo.' ' 10 an intense operation of antissemita propaganda was after unchained the ascension of nazism. Periodicals, books (also infantile), magazines and the cinema had been used to strengthen the negative image of the Jews. The educational apparatus was directed to multiply this rejeio.11A fight against the judaism it gained contours apocalyptic, a battle enters the good and the evil. PCRM has plenty of information regarding this issue. Hitler saw the Devil with a Jewish trejeito and said that Christ, Aryan for the nazistas, was first antissemita.12 For the Fher, to fight against the judaism was to carry through workmanship of Deus.13Apesar of this religious connotation, the racial question, in the expression used for Richard Overy, gained status of ' ' biology poltica' ' , being necessary to clean the body of the German nation of the threats biolgicas.14 the nazistas if had transformed into true ' ' soldiers biolgicos' '. 15 This was the way that led to the desumanizao of the Jews. When using a medical language to justify the hatred to the Jews, nazism caught loaned some slight knowledge of the eugenia and conferred a scientific character to the Jewish question.
The German society was seen as the body and as such subject to some types of illnesses. To keep this healthful organism she was necessary to eliminate the danger I ahead infect it of ' ' parasitas' ' , ' ' bacilos' ' , ' ' vermes' ' , ' ' tumors cancerosos' ' , ' ' bactrias' ' etc. No group so was identified with these names of what judeus.16 In the words of Saul Friedlaender, ' ' the identification of the Jew with the contamination represented the authentic and basic furniture for its aniquilao.' ' 17 it did not have choice: she was necessary to eliminate them, therefore as Bauman observed well, exactly it are of Germany ' ' the Jews would continue to produce erosion and disintegration of the natural logic of universo.18Para Hitler, the great paper of the State was its conservation racial.19 the judaism is seen as ' ' I leaven of decomposition of the peoples and races and, in felt vaster, of ruin of the culture humana.' ' 20 In the Mein Kampf, the references to the Jew are innumerable as beings unprovided of humanity.
Tobacco And Disease
Not only that, the tobacco also makes difficult the treatment and causes that the ulcer returns to happen with more frequency. This must to that to smoke makes worse ten times the perforation of the ulcer. Besides the ulcer and to bring about the symptoms of the SII, the tobacco also increases the probability of the disease of Crohn. Also it can take to the development of biliary calculations. The nicotine that is in the tobacco is not only an addictive element, but also a poison that tends to debilitate the esofgico sphincter inferior.
This lead to the production to hiper acid in the stomach and, at the same time the pancreatic sodium bicarbonate production falls, that is an important substance in the fight against the acid production of the stomach. Besides the nicotine, the tobacco also contains more than four hundred toxins and at least forty and three met carcinogen agents. All these detrimental substances enter the sanguineous torrent and they take through digestive tract, for that reason it is triggered symptoms of the SII. In the same way, the inhalation of smoke of the tobacco also can cause flatulence, belches and distension that are symptoms of the SII also. In smokers, mainly, it is known who can have colon cancer, of bladder, kidney, pncreas and stomach.
Besides smoking, in the long term, also it increases the possibility of rectocolonic cancer. How? To inhale or to swallow the smoke of the tobacco can bring carcinogen until the colon. The tobacco also tends to increase the size of polyps in the colon which means that whichever major is the greater polyp will be the possibility that they become cancer. In fact, the studies show that at least the twelve percent of the rectocolonic cancers is the direct result of the tobacco consumption. Finally, tobacco addiction not only is a factor that can bring about syndrome of irritable intestine, but also that, raises majors risks for the health like the cancer, by its good is better to stop smoking.
The isolated use of metformina promotes the ovulao in 78% 96% of patients (JUNQUEIRA; FONSECA; ALDRIGHI, 2003). Ahead of association of the resistance the insulina in women with SOP and obesidade … women more premade use to develop cancer of the endometrium, diabetes mellitus not insulino dependents … (TO SOUND; MARANHO, 2000). Morin-Papuen et al (2000) apud Soares and Maranho (2000) had concluded that the therapy with metformina well is tolerated and can be used in obesas with SOP, having improvement of menstrual standard. However exactly thus the use of citrate of clomifeno remains as the first option of drug for induction of the ovulao and sends regards that the use of the metformina, in these cases, must be restricted for those women with intolerncia to the glucose.
5.RESULTADOS had been evaluated 30 questionnaires answered for women in fertile age, who possuam or not it SOP. In relation to the research, it is verified that 47% are unaware of the syndrome of policsticos ovrios, or had never had no explanation on the same one, 60% of the women had told to possess the normal menstrual cycle, to put the majority of the answers, she was inexact and improper how much to the cycle time, and had affirmed that the majority of the women does not know the functioning of the proper organism. Also we can compare the result false-positive in relation with the normal menstrual cycle, therefore 50% of the questioned women make verbal contraceptive use that has for purpose the barrier for conception and regularization of the menstrual cycle. Also it is important to stand out that, the majority of the reply of the white, independent public of the related age, are inside of the normal standards related to the weight, in accordance with the IMC. Already how much to on symptoms to the hirsutismo factors, 53% and 54% respectively do not possess acne and nor excess of for the ones for the body, that is, they do not present symptoms associates to the hirsutismo and for consequence they do not possess the SOP pparently.
Growing your Business
Growing your business does not have to be such a difficult task. There are a few things you can do that do not have to break the budget or escalate your working hours. For example, opening up your firm as a franchise opportunity, gives you the profits without the pain. Also, licensing your product is a low-cost way of taking your business to the next level.