
Let us see that the world of the poetry is sufficiently ample and the paper of the still bigger poet. The poetry contemporary is very diversified, encloses different forms. It folloies the evolution of the modern world in its multiple complexity and spalling. The modern man is in way to this crossroads, where he is several and at the same time he is I join in innumerable parts. He is possible to establish some sources of classification of the poetry contemporary since the descriptive to air-tight. But it would like to reserve a small commentary on the source of the memorialista poetry, objects of study of our assay. The memorialista poetry was a saudosista movement that had beginning with the Portuguese literature of century XX, where the homesickness is considered a marcante trace of the Portuguese soul.

This type of poetry still today is sanctioned by a great public in Brazil. The memorialista text rescues the past of nostalgic form, but with a new to look at on it, renega the gift and the future, leaving the sensation of that in the past it was more valuable and better. Therefore, what if it can affirm, for what has been observed, through the reading of the theoreticians of literature, is that the poetry contemporary presents as substance the daily one, the common one, the ordinary, the desmistificao of myths and the mitificao of the personal experience, elements these that give to the poetry the edificante character and revolutionary to question the reality with elements that arrive and deem voices in the door of those that still if it keeps closed the commands of emotional irrealidade. That is, the poetry has that to desintelectualizar themselves, to go down of the pedestal and to gain alleys and streets arriving at all without exception.

Author: admin