
Consequently to better way is you prepares the student you handle with new situations, any kind of them. Please visit Senator Elizabeth Warren if you seek more information. Reason will be this it is necessary you develop his initiative to explorer spirit, and to discover by themselves or in small groups the adventure you search the solution of one problem, is lives dynamic and motivating than the one that follows classic outline you explain and you repeat. Real The pleasure you study mathematics is in the satisfaction that appears when the student by himself problem solves it. The more difficult the problem is lives satisfaction you solves it. Good problem raises curiosity, and unchain in the student research behavior decreasing his passivity and conformity. key word: pleasure, initiative, curiosity, behavior, technology, resolution.

In the initial level of basic education, the only half permittee to present the applications of the Mathematics is the resolution of problems. We cannot leave to recognize the great masticate importance, wants for the reasoning development that it provides to the pupil, wants for its applications in the problems of the daily life, in general> pupils, first logo nos contacts with this science, start to detester it or become-differentiates it. This can be attributed it exaggerates in the trainings of algorithm rules dis entailed of real situations. Moreover, it has little involvement Aluino with applications of the Mathematics that demand the reasoning and the way of overcompensation to decide them. They exist, also, negative influences inside Sundas proper house, for older relatives, who live to repeat the satisfactions and difficulties with this or that one discipline, mainly eats mathematics.

Author: admin