It does not have, initially, intention to draw out the attendance as in the psycotherapy. For the people taken care of for the clinic-school, the psychological planto is plus a form of specialized support on which they can count at its moments of anguish and suffering. For the pupil, it is plus a chance of personal and professional growth. This direction, it is given credit that the psychological planto is one of the forms in the clinic-school to place the pupil in contact with more diversity of clinical demands, to stimulate its capacity of presentation of creative answers for the problems and to promote the development of its clinical listening. The present research does not have the pretension to deplete thematic the proposal, in view of its amplitude and relevance. However, one expects that this monographic study it can supply to theoretical and practical subsidies one future implantation of the psychological planto in the clinic-school of psychology of the PUC Mines in Arcs. 1,1 Justification To long of the graduation in Psychology, it was perceived necessity of creation of a space that readily received pupils, employees and members of the community, in its diverse situations of crisis and suffering.
With the implantation of the psychological planto in the clinic-school, the demand of these people, for an immediate and prompt support, could be satisfied in such way that its state of suffering was brightened up, the least, temporarily. It is observed, still, that the society contemporary is marked by the desperation, the violence and the unreliability. As Hilleshein, Hilleshein and Ferreira observe (2008), the values are moving daily, and the social conviviality has become conturbado and suffocating for many people. In this context, the proposal of attendance in psychological planto would adaptaria the clinic-school to this new reality, where the patients need immediate attendance so that they understand, in clearer way, its problems and deal better with them.