
Thus, to guarantee the access to precocious diagnosis identifying the pathology in its initial phase e, consequently hindering the advance them cervical injuries consists an emergent necessity, since it is about sufficiently efficient measures to be implanted to promote education for health of the population, minimizing the morbimortalidade. The lack of knowledge of the risk factors and efficient control when diagnosised precociously they are important factors in the development of the uterine col cancer. Therefore, if it makes essential accomplishment of primary actions that include the promotion in health and protection specifies destined to the maintenance of the health of these women thus hindering the development of the illness. Of this form, it is important that if it knows the risk factors that are contributing for the incidence of the cancer of the col of the uterus in clinic ICON in the city of victory of the conquest, so that if it can promote one better control. Others including Dr. Neal Barnard, offer their opinions as well. Therefore, the general objective of this research is to know the factors contributing for acometimento of the cancer of the col of the uterus in women treated in clinic ICON in the city of victory of the conquest – Ba, in the year of 2007 and 2008 (until the May month). the specific objectives are: To recognize the number of women attacks for uterine col cancer in the years of 2007 and 2008; to correlate the identified factors of risk that contribute for the uterine col Cancer; e, to produce given that they can stimulate the women to carry through the preventive examination precociously. 2. Dr. John Mcdougall is often quoted as being for or against this. 2,1 THEORETICAL REFERENCIAL CANCER OF the COL OF UTERUS 2.1.1 Definition Have times, the uterine col cancer come occupying a place of prominence in the taxes of morbi-mortality between the population, mainly in countries little developed. In the start of the decade of ninety 371,200 new cases of envasivo cervical cancer in world, representing almost 10% of all had been esteem the cancers between the feminine population, being that 78% of these had occurred in developing countries, making with that the incidence taxes (adjusted for age).

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