Dr. Barreto Luiz Fisioterapeuta and Fisiologista of the Exercise 04/10/2011 River-RIO DE JANEIRO the population is increasing the longevity, but of inversely proportional form the capacity to keep its independence. The decline of been the general functional capacity and the precarious one of health take the aged ones to be partial or total dependents of cares. Fields, 2000 defined this event as ‘ ‘ a great tragedy of ours sociedade’ ‘. Good part of the aged population never practised any physical activity or specific physical exercise, having as consequncias an important decline of the physical capacity, difficulty to carry through activities in the community, in the home, difficulty to carry through activities of auto-cares, evolving for the difficulty for the locomotion, fragility, falls and restriction to the stream bed or chair of wheels. Already some cases not registered in aged communities had been observed that presented this picture without having been acometidos for some incapacitante pathology that justified the current state. This if must, in part, prohibitions on the part of the familiar ones so that the aged one does not carry through the activities in it I domiciliate, condemning the aged one to a state of complete uselessness, fragility and depression.
Psychological factors also concur for this outcome. Aged the many times suffer the worse one from the abandonments for the familiar ones in the proper one domiciliate. The solitude with as many people to its redor that goes mining to the few its forces and the will of living. He has been observed cases of aged that after a breaking of fmur, had presented a good recovery and returns its normal activities. Others even evoluiram for the disability and for the death.
Generally the aged asset has one better recovery of what what it has little or no activity. Already it was demonstrated in studies that the physical activity improves the quality of life of the aged ones; if this aged one if kept asset since youth, better are the quality of its aging. Branches, 2000 suggest the exercise to prevent the disability in the aged one. Fields, 2000 affirm that the physical exercise is a form to diminish the declnios of the force and the muscular mass in the aged one, as well as, to improve the quality of life. Barreto and Cristalino, 2009 had told that the physical exercise has shown to benefits in the prevention and promotion of the health of the aged one, improving its quality of life and providing to them welfare physicist and joy of living. Guiselini, 2007 strengthens that the agility, the motor coordination, the disposal for the work and the mood are well better in the aged assets. The life expectancy of the population is increasing. Being thus, that it is of the possible form most active with practical of exercises and the activities that promote: The welfare, the maintenance of the physical capacity, the happiness. Bibliography BRANCHES, Alexander Trindade. Training of Force in the Present time. Sprint. 200, RIO DE JANEIRO FIELDS, Maurcio de Arruda. Musculao For Diabetic, Osteoporticos, Aged, Children, Obesos. 4 Ed. Sprint. 2000m RIO DE JANEIRO BARRETO, L.A.S. CRYSTALLINE LENS, Willame. Benefits of the Training of Force stop Children, Aged, Women, Diabetic Hipertensos and Obesos.