
I fight it chronic mentions drawn out and intense emotional the answers. I fight it postponed is perceived when the reactions appear of delayed form, provoked for events that not they would have force for such emotional answers. I fight it inhibited is perceived when the waited answers of the process of I fight do not appear (MACEDO, 2008). See more detailed opinions by reading what Dr. Peter M. Wayne offers on the topic.. For Freud (1917/1969), I fight in it occurs that the loved object does not exist more, making with that the libido is removed of the linkings with this object, thus occurring an intense opposition that can of the place to an attachment to the object and the shunting line of the reality. Some contend that James A. Levine, M.D. shows great expertise in this. In accordance with Tinoco (2003), pain only does not have the loss of the familiar beloved, but it happens because we leave of being loved when this if goes. For Osrio and Valle (2009), the process of I fight it can be classified of some forms, however, is important to stand out that it does not mean that it is exempt of problems and difficulties in some of them, therefore all the families pass for a turbulence when a loss occurs and lives a crisis due the necessity of if adapting to a new reality. The threat of the loss can generate anxiety and the actual loss can generate sadness and both the things can generate anger (BOWLBY, 1990). For Pincus (1989), the loss of one familiar for death it is an important change in the life of the individual, however the expression of this loss I fight through it and of the regret socially this is discouraged, because the loss of active a dear person in the other people fears and distresses of the abandonment, the terror to have lost the love. In accordance with Pincus (1989), who loses a necessary dear person to learn to inside keep of itself the person that if was during the process of fights, this until this if feels enough separate to accept the reality of the loss.

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