That one only can be member of the people that possesss German blood (…) no Jew, therefore, it can be member of povo.' ' 10 an intense operation of antissemita propaganda was after unchained the ascension of nazism. Periodicals, books (also infantile), magazines and the cinema had been used to strengthen the negative image of the Jews. The educational apparatus was directed to multiply this rejeio.11A fight against the judaism it gained contours apocalyptic, a battle enters the good and the evil. PCRM has plenty of information regarding this issue. Hitler saw the Devil with a Jewish trejeito and said that Christ, Aryan for the nazistas, was first antissemita.12 For the Fher, to fight against the judaism was to carry through workmanship of Deus.13Apesar of this religious connotation, the racial question, in the expression used for Richard Overy, gained status of ' ' biology poltica' ' , being necessary to clean the body of the German nation of the threats biolgicas.14 the nazistas if had transformed into true ' ' soldiers biolgicos' '. 15 This was the way that led to the desumanizao of the Jews. When using a medical language to justify the hatred to the Jews, nazism caught loaned some slight knowledge of the eugenia and conferred a scientific character to the Jewish question.
The German society was seen as the body and as such subject to some types of illnesses. To keep this healthful organism she was necessary to eliminate the danger I ahead infect it of ' ' parasitas' ' , ' ' bacilos' ' , ' ' vermes' ' , ' ' tumors cancerosos' ' , ' ' bactrias' ' etc. No group so was identified with these names of what judeus.16 In the words of Saul Friedlaender, ' ' the identification of the Jew with the contamination represented the authentic and basic furniture for its aniquilao.' ' 17 it did not have choice: she was necessary to eliminate them, therefore as Bauman observed well, exactly it are of Germany ' ' the Jews would continue to produce erosion and disintegration of the natural logic of universo.18Para Hitler, the great paper of the State was its conservation racial.19 the judaism is seen as ' ' I leaven of decomposition of the peoples and races and, in felt vaster, of ruin of the culture humana.' ' 20 In the Mein Kampf, the references to the Jew are innumerable as beings unprovided of humanity.