The referring question to the language in the Brazilian colonial period, starts for the joined lingustica diversity for the lusitanos through the contact with natives of ' ' new terra' '. Such diversity made with that the lusitanos looked for to know and to try to understand such languages with intention to introduce its proper culture, aculturao form that was being studied minutely. In this process, the Jesuits with the catequizao of the natives, had looked for to introduce the religion from the understanding of the new language. With the advent of the mercantilism he occurs, beyond the Portuguese language, the introduction of the African slaves and consequentemente plus an inserted language in this context. He perceives yourself that the Portuguese already had carried through with the aboriginals a missigenao process and would have occurred certain ' ' tolerncia' ' in relation the native language. With the Africans it occurs resistance to such amalgam and it is looked to restrain movements organized with intention of a lingustica unification between peoples come of Africa. As it displays Luiz Carlos Villalta: ' ' The authorities had looked for to prevent the formation of these solidary nuclei, want desturindo the quilombos, that caused terror to the agents of the Crown? e, of remaining portion, to the proprietors of slaves in general -, it wants reperimindo batuques and calundus promoted by the blacks.
Under the perspective metropolitan, such manifestations, creating a cultural identity, could generate a harmful conscience for the order colonial.' ' (VILLALTA, 1997: 342). To become still more complex the lingustica question, the arrival of dutches to the territory colonized, until demonstrating certain occurred ' ' tolerncia' ' the propagation of customs and not interference in questions of mythical order of the diverse cultures. Although the dutches have created ethnic restrictions that propagated exclusions. The mercantile necessities make to appear the necessity of a unified language, what it makes possible the Portuguese language to assume a formal character and of international matrix, while the language habitual it was a missigenao of the diverse native dialects amalgamated to the proper lusitana language with forts ' ' pinceladas' ' of African influence.