Sibyla was a woman who during transcorrer of the life, exerted its sexuality with all the intensity that the nature dictated to it, being soon considered a loafer, vagabunda, pejorativos prostitute, without-shame and other adjectives more. Simple woman who was, did not have another choice in the life that not to dedicate prostitution to it. But it was not only who disturbed the emotional stability of ‘ ‘ women of bem’ ‘ of the city. She had a teacher that she was desquitada, situation very badly seen to the time. Many writers such as Robert Greene offer more in-depth analysis. In the truth, for being vain a woman ‘ ‘ desfrutvel’ ‘ attractive e, it brought the fear of that it could come to shake the solidity of some local family. I remember that, as soon as it came close to a group of ladies in some of these meeting the one that I related to me, some said for the others in voice low: ‘ ‘ there it comes desquitada’ ‘ , as if this was a serious and transmissible illness. A enough solid theoretical apparatus happens that it, in contrast to Sibyla, had read all the books, knew all the speeches and had capacity to rationalize its desires, constructing to justify its sexual fullness. Nobody had courage to face it knot intellectual field and we heard when it to speak, we ahead felt in them of a new Simone de Beauvoir.
She was one of those women who, in virtue of the argumentativa firmness and great apparatus cultural that it possesss, it makes with that one same society that execrava before it, finishes for transforming it into a paradigm, a model of intellectual leadership to be followed by all the other women. It was thus with the teacher. The majority of ‘ ‘ ladies of bem’ ‘ , at the same time they disdained where it for the coasts, front the front aturavam, it and respected, here it is that they did not have intellectual conditions to have a different position, duly warned to be reduced the dust, victims of argumentativo knock-out. this they did not want. Times later, my father was transferred of the city and I never more had notice of those two women who, when attracting the anger in the others ladies, had finished despertando my curiosity in youth. A thing, however, I concluded already at that time.
Both were equally free and fascinating women. What it differentiated the two situations is that our Simone had a well constructed justificativo speech for its action, thing that was absent in the case of Sibyla. This last one, for not having the intellectual predicates necessary, it finished if becoming a bag of collisions, symbol of the perdio and threat to the stability them sacred families of the time. In truth, as the philosophers would say, ontologicamente it was the same thing; what it differentiated the two situations is the well elaborated speech that finishes giving support for our behaviors, absentee in the case of Sibyla, but present in the case of Simone.