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Hair Salon Success: Imagine The W

Giudeline and tips for success of your hair salons also need to tell another way your Kundengelegentlich as the one your customers before entering your hair salons have introduced themselves. This affects in the first moment your customers irritating, will lead but ultimately to a result, whose high Qualitat was unaware of your customers, and will lead to a solid customer education. And so, as it it expected to pronounce qualified Empfehungen, it must be also a qualified consultant to conduct an analysis of the case, to give you the advice best for you. Hear from experts in the field like Alfred Adler for a more varied view. Regardless from the product, regardless of the amount of revenue to be expected, unabhangiog from the date of implementation, depending on only by the accuracy of the project and the traceability of the hair salon’s success. So, if you really want to, make to it then put at the beginning of your decision-making chain with an independent Firseureinrichtungs consultant in conjunction, you above the entire reduces by determining the correct conception until the opening of the salon and make your training partner. It is also not important, whether to adorn your future project companion with an academic title, called Friseureinrichtungs-, company -, control -, or how well always consultant. Others including patrick smith, offer their opinions as well. The expertise behind your hair designers realize is important only the passion with which this answering to your project, and by their gut feelings closely dem with – or can imagine those over a longer period. See also: hair salon success: make the W’s open (1/3) hair salon & hair salon success: make the W’s (2/3). . If you would like to know more about Glenn Dubin, then click here.

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DEKRA Akademie Bremen

Noise identify and judge – law requires specialized measurements and protection whether in the nightclub, on the trucks, in the garage or on the beverage bottling plant where noise is and people are working, the employer the duty to protect its employees against is. Since last year, the latest version of noise – and vibration-occupational safety and health regulations required each company to an inventory, the expert assessment, appropriate protection measures and the documentation of the whole. For the legislature requires a specialized person who is familiar with measurement methods as well as with the prevention or at least reduction of harmful factors. This helps not only the employees, which experienced heart palpitations and insomnia to stress much saves remains. The companies benefit from motivated employees and a lower sick leave.

The two-day DEKRA seminar is aimed at companies that allow themselves to develop a competent person as well as on external consultants, the this Want to offer local service. Common measurement methods, the adjustment and the correct handling of instruments and the evaluation of measured data are available on the curriculum in addition to physics. A second part is devoted to warnings, avoidance strategies, protective measures for people and rehabilitation for the machines. Third issue is the documentation, which is set at 30 years, so also IBNR can be assessed and the company is able to prove what it has done to protect of their employees. The law has been in force since last year, and although there are transitional periods, for example, for the German armed forces, so that they must einmotten not their entire inventory of tanks, the law for most companies is mandatory since February 2008. The seminar is offered in Berlin, Bremen, Ludwigshafen and Stuttgart.

For more information on DEKRA Akademie Bremen, phone 0421/4 17 84 0 or 27,,. The DEKRA Academy is one of the largest private Training companies in Germany. Ranging from a one-day seminar of the standard multiannual retraining, from the individual qualification to company-specific training concepts and nationwide by Aachen A to Z like Zwickau.

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Walker Institute

Practitioner-start in the Mannheim area, Heidelberg and Darmstadt a good education is an essential prerequisite for the career, long still no guarantee of success. Because success last but not least depends on skills that can be learned selectively excellent self-management and good communication from both. Proven for almost forty years, the method of hypnotic programming (NLP) provides a proven framework to develop long term career prospects and to optimize the conditions for their implementation. Learn NLP can be a practitioner training. A total of 18 days of training, training gives the basic assumptions and the humanism of NLP. The focus is the ability to set objectives and to use their own resources for their realisation.

This involves also the question, as any inner future obstacles can be resolved. In addition, numerous methods are trained in NLP, to communicate better. Dr. Sabine Marquardt, teaching instructor at “NLP-Rhein-Neckar: an important training mission for us is to empower people to coach both in private and professional life effectively, to motivate and to present.” The next practitioner training of the Walker Institute of NLP Rhein-Neckar starts gain on October 19, 2010 information on training interested parties at, by E-Mail at and by phone at (06201) 870697. Who would like to get to know typical NLP applications is also examples at the NLP coach”at.

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Bachelor ICD

Comes with Jo Gue, in April 2013 a new employee on board Hamburg – since April 1, Jo Gue supports the ICD team in terms of brand communication and PR. Jo Ge temporary previously worked with us, the more we are pleased to now have him on board,”Managing Director Michaela reported Saeed. However she must share it with the University. Because Garrett completed for 3.5 years in Hamburg with a dual degree in the international with a specialization in marketing communication and public relation, Bachelor of Arts (B.A.). We very much welcome the concept of a split week. It ideally combines theory and practice.

This cooperative education model a profit is the same in two respects and we look forward to accompany Jo on this innovative way of education”, so Saeed continued. About ICD ICD a PR and communications agency, is on the successful capital goods industries and on technically complex products and services Specialized. For companies in the areas of automation, drive technology, logistics/intra-logistics and engineering, ICD is active for more than two decades

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Federal Association

Small and medium-sized companies as attractive customer group win corporate health management (BGM) is currently on everyone’s lips. The population and hence the employees of many companies are getting older. Thus increase significantly also the losses due to diseases such as back pain or stress or burnout. An active intervention of corporate governance is an important way seen in the long run here, to counteract this trend sustainable. With the opportunities that this new market offers health care providers, the main topic block BGM deals”the GETUP Congress 2012 (20. And April 21, 2012 in the context of FIBO in Essen).

In addition to technical approaches, which introduces managers coach and sports psychologist of the German national football team, Prof. Dr. Hans-Dieter Hermann, and Dr. Volker Hansen, head of the Department of social protection of the Federal Association of German employers (BDA), which will go up from an employer point of view on the topic of BGM is it also lectures by practitioners and others Give industrial companies to the day-to-day implementation of BGM. At the end of the point of the program, participants have the chance to discuss their views with the renowned experts. BGM offers great opportunities for fitness and health companies, which can serve this emerging market offering qualified and open up in the future as new customer groups and sources of income. Here not only the large national companies, but also regionally-based industrial enterprises or craft business around the corner are considered potential new customers. Just these small and medium-sized companies are looking for professional business-specific solutions and a regional point of contact.

Learn what opportunities BGM offers and how they can be used in the main session of the GETUP Congress on the Friday, 20.4.2012 from 9 to 13 h and in the best practice presentations from 16 until 18: 00. GETUP Congress 2012 within the framework of the FIBO open Congress of industry”on 20 and 21 April 2012 corporate health management as Main theme, as well as specialist forums in the areas covered diet, activity and management, are the contents of the 6th GETUP Congress ( on 20 and 21 April 2012 in Essen in the frame of the leading trade show for fitness, wellness and health (FIBO) takes place. Organized the Conference for the industry of the future is prevention, fitness and health, which is open to all professionals and fitness-oriented people of the German University of prevention and health management ( and the trade fair organiser of Reed Exhibitions. Participants can again expect a varied programme with lectures, best-practice examples and discussion boards for the implementation of current trends in the healthcare market. The specialized forums illuminate current themes and also provide an opportunity for discussion with the expert speakers. The offer is completed by an attractive social programme, including guided exhibition tour and access to the FIBO halls on the booked day of Congress. Thanks to the support of sponsors, the participation in GETUP Congress can 2012 in turn be offered for a very favourable price performance ratio. More information at or getup Congress.