Tag: health and beauty
Osteomuscular Risk
An example of physical risk is the climatizador of environment, that can provide interminentes noises, contributing for the increase of cases of estresse and mood change; as well as the variation of the temperature and I accumulate of microrganismo and dirtiness in the filters that can take the predisposition for illnesses of the respiratory ways or physical fatigue. It still has fire risk in case that it does not have correct accomplishment of electric net (ANVISA, 2000; FIOCRUZ, 2003; PAGANINI AND SIVA, 2007; WATANABE, 2007). The ergonomic risks are factors that can affect the physical or mental integrity of the worker, providing to it discomfort or illness, being considered the main ergonomic risks: physical effort continues inadequate position, productivity and intense routine, situation of estresse works in nocturnal period, monotony and repetitividade. Dr. John Mcdougall follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Such risks can generate riots to the health, compromising the productivity, health and security, as Injury for Repetitive Effort and Osteomusculares Riots (LER/DORT), physical fatigue, muscular pains, nervous alteration in sleep, illnesses, illnesses of the digestive device (gastrite and ulcer), tension and anxiety. Visa such factors, is notable the necessity of measures of Biosseguraa for prevention, reduction or elimination of the factors of risk of the work environment, as it will be detailed to follow: 3.
MEASURES OF BIOSSEGURANA IN THE AREA OF MAQUIAGEM 3.1. Structure, organization and cleanness of the work environment the workstation for accomplishment of the procedure of the Maquiagem de Embelezamento can be inserted in an establishment or center of beauty, being a room specifies, a cabin, or a space reserved for this activity. This environment counts on all general structure of the establishment, including reception, place of will paramentaro, washbasin and definitive bathroom the customer and professionals (COVISA, 2006; KEMPER, 2006). Physical space must possess planned and adequate structure, provided with furniture, such as: chair ergonomic for customer, chair for the professional, chair or sofa auxiliary, group of benches of work with adequate size to the disposal of articles and utensils, lixeira with pedals, fixed and mobile, lavatrio mirror of hands and articles, closet for supply of materials, expositor of products.
Professional Nursing
In this direction, the not-verbal communication blunts as an essential instrument in the assistance to the health. Then, the objective of this study is to reflect on the importance of the not-verbal communication of the patients during the nursing consultation. The analysis sources had consisted of books, periodic, scientific, teses articles and dissertaes, consulted in the vestibule of the Virtual Library in Sade (BVS), that it included the sites of scientific search: LILACS (Caribbean Latin American Literature and in Sciences of the Health), SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online), BDENF (Database of Nursing) and MEDLINE (International Literature in Sciences of the Health). In the accomplishment of the present article, it was considered that if it cannot leave to consider importance of the communication, as privileged form of language and way of expression. Its importance is such that it propitiates, in terms of acquisition of information on the patient, an immense and essential wealth. To if catching information from the verbal communication, the reasoning, the understanding and the knowledge set in activity.
the not-verbal communication to show the involuntary consequences, our deeper feelings, at last, what it has under the surface of the language. Thus, if it cannot think solely about the transmitted, untied words, but in a global, holistic communication. Word-key: Communication; Not-verbal communication; Nursing; nursing consultation. 1 – INTRODUCTION the communication is an essential instrument in the relation enters the professional of health and the patient. Through it, as much the professional how much the patient has the possibility of if making to understand, to inform, to transmit, to comfort and of being if the human knowledge. The intersubjectividade or the intercommunication is the primordial characteristic of this cultural and historical world.
Picture Clinical Anemia
I diagnosis laboratoriais normoctica Anemia micrcitica hipocrmica, esferocitose, reticulocitose, osmtica fragility and increased indirect bilirubin. Treatment the cure occurs through the esplenectomia with persistence of esferocitose. The esplenectonia brings as resulted the disappearance of anemia consequently normality of the reticulcito counting. Esplenectomia (> 10 years) transfusions and control of infections. If you have read about Assurant Health already – you may have come to the same conclusion. HEREDITARY ELIPTOCITOSE rare hereditary Anemia very transmitted in way autossomo dominant characterized morphologically for percentages of eritrcitos varying of 25% the 100% of the sanguineous estiraos (incidence: caucasianos) In general assintomtico Picture Clinical.
It is proven: vesicular esplenomegalia, jaundice, calculations, can occur chronic ulcers of leg, rare sseas deformities. I diagnosis Laboratoriais 50% of eliptcitos in estirao sanguineous, 10% reticulocitose, increased total and indirect bilirubin, normocitose and normocromia. Esplenectomia treatment (> 10 years). ANEMIA ACANTCITICA Is anemia with the membrane of the eritrcitos showing irregular projections for defects of the double layer of fosfolipdios caused by cholesterol deposits in the membrane of the eritrcitos. Picture Clinical Ataxia (coordination lack), anemia, alterations of the retina (it can cause blindness) I diagnosis Laboratoriais Reticulocitose in general, Discrete policromasia in general, and acantcitos. Successful treatment with heptica transplantation ANEMIAS FOR ENZYMATIC ALTERATIONS Is anemias that occur due to a hereditary eritrocitria enzymatic deficiency being more frequent the glucose-6-fosfato deficiency desidrogenase (G-6PD). Picture Clinical Assintomtica, hemolticas crises intravasculares (drugs oxidantes-sulfas, acid acetilsaliclico, vitamin K, infections).
The hemograma generally is normal when the G-6PD deficiency is not severe. The physical examination discloses only pallor. I diagnosis Laboratoriais qualitative Test of Brewer quantitative Test that doses Eletroforese enzyme of the hemoglobinas Obs Treatment: All the eritroenzimopatias are incurable, the treatments are palliative and its cures would imply in the modification of the genetic code. ANEMIAS HEMOLTICAS AUTO-IMUNES (AHAI) anemias are caused by auto-antibodies with specification against proteins of membrane of eritrcitos. They are characterized by eritrocitria destruction in result of the production for (IgG and IgM) against the proper hemcias or transfundidas hemcias.
Perception of Nurses
There are hospital sectors that provide to treatment the patients with more complex picture. The nurse is the professional of the area of the health that passes greater time monitoring the patient in the UTIs. The present work had as objective to identify the perception of the nurses of UTIs of three hospitals of the city of Golden, with superior professional time to one year, front to the seriously ill patient. The applied methodology had qualitative approach of the descriptive type. It was used technique of the desestruturada interview and from the transcription of the data for it analyzes used the Speech of Sujeito Coletivo (DSC).
It analyzes of the data demonstrated it that the perception of the nurse is of a fragilizado patient, defenseless, that it needs well-taken care of greaters, well-taken care of this of form humanizada. Word-keys: Therapy, Paciente and Cuidado.ABSTRACTIntensive care units ploughs hospital sectors that provide treatment you patients with lives complex situation. Professional The nurse is the of the area that spend lives teams monitoring the patient in the ICU. This study aimed you identify the perceptions of nurses in ICUs of three hospitals in the City of Golden, with professional teams lives than one to year, compared you the seriously ill patient. The methodology had descriptive qualitative approach. We used the technique of the unstructured interview and from the transcript dates will be of analysis used the Collective Subject Discourse (CSD). The analysis of dates showed that needs lives care, this care in humane way. Keymords: Therapy, Patient and Care IntroduoAs Units of Intensive Therapy has as purpose to give attendance to the patients in serious state, who need complex and specialized cares, given for a multiprofessional team, in which if it finds a professional nurse inserted.
Hospital Nursing Staff
Are about a descriptive study of systematic revision of literature that had as objective to revise the behaviors of nursing in victims of cardiorrespiratria stop in the daily pay-hospital context and for such, the same one were carried through in periodic indexados in the data bases LILACS; MEDLINE; SCIELO, as well as in books, periodic scientific, which had been found by means of the following describers: PCR, nurse, daily pay-hospital. For if dealing with a dramatical situation that offers to imminent risk of permanent death and/or sequels, which has its occurrence in the most diverse environments, being this one of the reasons for which the nurse must be qualified to carry through the primary attendance through the RCP maneuvers the PCR victims, independent of its area of performance. In the study he was evidenced how much it is important that the professionals are ready to identify the signals of PCR as well as entering with had maneuvers of reversion of the picture with professional skill. Word key: PCR, nurse, daily pay-hospital ABSTRACT One is about descriptive study of systematic revision of literature that had objective you revises the behaviors of nursing in victims of respiratory cardio stop in the daily pay-hospital context and will be such, the same one was carried through in periodic indexed in the dates bases LILACS; MEDLINE; SCIELO, well in books, periodic scientific, which had been found by means of the following describers: PCR, nurse, daily pay-hospital. Dealing will be if with dramatically situation that offers you imminent risk of permanent death and/or sequels, which has its occurrence in the most diverse environments, being this one of the reasons will be which the nurse must be qualified you carry through the primary attendance through the RCP maneuvers the PCR victims, independent of its area of performance.
Cure For The Celulite
Celulite that is this? Celulite is the appearance of the skin covinhas in the thighs of the women. Also it occurs in the ndegas. While the women age, the celulite tends to increase. It seems orange rind. The skin is not smooth, but it has covinhas on it.
That it is because of the different distribution of fat below of the skin layer. – Celulite why form? The celulite is a problem of displacement of fat below of the skin. To the measure that we age, the dermic layer loses colgeno and force. As the dermic layer loses colgeno, a change occurs in the form as the fat is placed below of the skin. This different fat makes with that the undulations. If you believe that being done lipoaspirao she goes to help, please you order the thought.
This does not happen. The fat distribution cannot be reverted. Celulite is something as rugas in the face. To the measure that we age, the colgeno if breaches and reduces rugas and is. Celulite is similar. The only difference is that rugas can easily be treated, while celulite cannot easily be treated. The form as we have rugas in the face, us we have celulite in the thighs and ndegas. Why the women alone to search it and the men are not another question that will be answered below. – Celulite can be prevented? Celulite cannot be prevented. It does not have difference in the fat celulite and fat of the body. The difference is in the way as the fat is placed for is below of the skin. That it makes with that the undulations. Celulite does not depend on the weight. Exactly the women below of the weight can get it. Celulite depends on the genetics, hormones and aging. The men rare to get it. – Celulite which is the treatment? Treatments for the celulite do not exist. Some massages can help, but only per some days. It does not have definitive cure, although supplements, pills and creams are being vendidos alleging to cure the celulite. The people speak of different diet that will help the treatment of the celulite. Creams are vendidos promising appearance of the free celulite. Alternative therapies are suggested. Because he does not have certain cure for the celulite, the innocent customers are taken to believe many things. Please, he does not try nothing less than its doctor say-yes. Celulite cannot easily be treated. This article is only for informative ends. This article does not intend to be a doctor recommends and he is not a substitute for professional medical aconselhamento. Please, its doctor for its medical interests consults. Please, he follows any tip given in this article after to only consult its doctor. The author does not make responsible for any result or resultant damages of information gotten from this article. He reads more on as to lose celulite, diet to reduce celulite in feminine beauty.
Electrocardiogram Analysis
The performance of the nurse during the verification of a eletrocardiograma estimates the acquisition of specific abilities, since, if it makes important the knowledge of the diverse cardiolgicas alterations that the examination it can evidence and by means of this used being of the assistance of the professional in order to minimize or to extinguish complications to the health of the patient who can come to happen either in a daily pay-hospital attendance (emergencial), or in an elective examination. This study it has as objective to evaluate the vision that the nurse has in the interpretation of the eletrocardiograma. The present study one is about a research of the exploratrio type, bibliographical type with qualitative boarding. For the elaboration of the research it was necessary to national consult works published in propagated scientific articles by means of the Internet and in books that dealt with the subject. Then, it is arrived conclusion to be the taking of decision of the professional an indispensable attribute front the possible cardiolgicas alterations that can place the life of the patient at risk.
The Technician
A half-structuralized questionnaire was applied. The data had been collected in the month of June of 2010, and so that the study it was carried through of more necessary form, a daily pay was applied has tested the technician of nursing of a ILPI. After the gotten and evaluated reply, beginning to the collection of data of the research was given as a whole. analysis of the data was carried through in the period of July the August of 2010. Three stages had been adopted: first stage understood: Daily pay analysis – after an exhausting reading of the gotten information the data had been grouped in accordance with the questions formulated with objective to detach and to select the pertinent and excellent aspects of the study; second stage: Exploration of the material – the words had been detached key of the opened questions, being after that determined the frequency of the same ones; third stage: Interpretation of the gotten data.
In this stage analysis of the answers to the light of the theoretical beddings was become fullfilled. RESULTS AND QUARREL In the application of the questionnaire for the technician of nursing of the ILPI? s verified initially the distribution of the employees for sex. Technician of nursing, 41.67% of masculine sex and feminine 58.33% had participated of research 12, in this way the majority of the feminine sex. He verified himself that 75% of the nursing technician (12 technician) had not participated of continued education, being only of 16,67% those that had had this attribution and 8.33% did not answer on this subject. This is a first aspect that calls attention, therefore these that had participated of the continued education were not in the institution. The continued education is a form to assure the maintenance of the ability of the technician of nursing in relation to the given assistance. Al hisses et.
Bartolomeu Areas
The actions of chemotherapy and treatment of criadouros with moluscicidas had had beginning in the following year, reaching all the cities of the region. In the State of Pernambuco, Barbosa and cols4 had associated the urbanization of esquistossomose as result of migration of people originating agricultural areas or small localities in the search for work in the cities of bigger transport, where frequently they are kept out of society of the economic process, and many see to inhabit in urban areas without the minimum basic conditions of sanitation. With this migrante population, those areas with natural water courses, of adjusted characteristics, and the presence of natural criadouros of planorbdeos had started to be focos of transmission of the infection for the S. mansoni. Therefore, in Brazil many authors associate the phenomenon of urbanization of esquistossomose with socioeconmicos components and comportamentais3 4 5 9.
In the last coproscpico inquiry, carried through for the FUNASA between the years of 1993 and 1994, the City of Salvador was considered as area of low endemicidade for esquitossomose8. Later, the Prado and cols17 had found 2.2% of prevalence of esquistossomose when examining 1,131 fecais samples of children of 7 the 14 resident years in some quarters of the City of Salvador, but the prevalence observed (30.2%) in the infantile population of this same etria band, of the quarter of Is Bartolomeu, also with the accomplishment of only one parasitolgico excrement examination, and the significant frequency (9.3%) of children with raised parasitic load of S. mansoni, indicates the presence of focus of transmission of the infection in this quarter. In the State of Pernambuco, Barbosa and cols4 had associated the urbanization of esquistossomose as result of the migration of people originating agricultural areas or small localities in the search for work in the cities of bigger transport, where frequently they are kept out of society of the economic process, and many see to inhabit in urban areas without the minimum basic conditions of sanitation.