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Cancer Prevention

Oral contraceptives save each year 50,000 women living round prevent six million women in Germany with the birth control pill. Especially in the age group between 20 and 29 years, over 70 per cent of young women rely on it as a contraceptive. In addition to this primary reason for the revenue, there are still more positive side effects, which have not only a therapeutic but also as a preventive medical added value. That the pill (oral contraceptive) regulates the menstrual cycle of women, reduce the menstrual pain and the appearance of the skin, known as is generally the case of acne, improves. The preventive potential of the pill, such as, for example, cancer prevention, emerged only in the last few years. “In the October issue of the journal obstetrics and Gynecology” has Prof. Dr. med.

“Bernd Kleine-gunk, gynecologist and President of the German society for prevention and anti-aging medicine e.V. (GSAAM) for the first time the therapeutic added value” comprehensively the pill documented (Kleine-gunk, B: hormonal contraceptives therapeutic benefit and nonkontrazeptiver benefit, obstetrics and Gynecology 2013, 18 (SH1) 20-23 often concentrates in the Thematisation of the contraceptive pill on the undesirable side effects.) That however, the pill prevents a number of common cancers so far very little is known. And this, even though there is already several studies demonstrating that such as risk for an ovarian cancer, the most virulent of all gynecological cancers, see taking the pill by 25 to 30 percent reduction. The longer the duration of intake persists, the further reduces the risk the average by a further 20 percent each of five years. This protection is maintained even in a deposition for at least another 15 years”, explains Professor Kleine-gunk. This means that the mortality rate, which is particularly high in this disease can be reduced by taking the pill to 20,000 cancer deaths each year.