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Early Detection

Current messages confuse doctors and affected males currently haunt by the German press reports according to which the prevention of prostate cancer would not pay. The messages confuse affected men as well as doctors. It is worth to question what lies behind the most strikingly designed heading. To do this, you will quickly discover, it isn’t in the extensive study from Scandinavia to prevention in the strict sense, but to the classic early detection of prostate cancer. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Dr. John Mcdougall. This is something else entirely. To read more click here: Assurant Health. The concepts and measures for the early detection and prevention of prostate cancer should be separated so clean. The prostate gland is a very sensitive organ that can be affected by external influences and life style easily affected. So, enlargement of the prostate gland meet approximately every second man aged 50 and over.

Most of these enlargements are benign (benign). But not all of them. Each year nearly 50,000 men will develop in Germany new prostate cancer (malignant prostate enlargement). Prostate cancer is the most common cancer and the second leading cause of death among men. Alarmingly high numbers, when you consider that could be improved by right easy-to-implement measures vital early detection and retirement savings halved the risk of disease. Prostate check as a means of screening from the age of about 40 years ago, so the previous opinion, all men should undergo regularly a prostate check at the doctor or urologist.

Key tests, ultrasonic and laboratory markers (PSA value), it is possible to detect prostate cancer at an early stage and to treat. Because the sooner a cancer is treated, the chances are greater. Exactly these measures were analyzed in the Scandinavian long-term study over 20 years and found that the benefits not significantly exceeds the cost of the investigation. Therefore, the authors question the meaning of these measures. Men over 40 years of age should be But hold off by exaggerated messages about “prevention of prostate cancer brings nothing” not by the visit of kind of.

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Reduce Stress – A Task Of All

Stress management is also, but not only an individual task at the end of each year asks the opinion Research Institute Forsa for the intentions of the Germans for the coming year. “” Last December for the first time at the top: “Less stress or stress”. Meanwhile, half of the year is around. Contact information is here: Assurant Health. Time for a mid-term review. Sobering mid-term review must fail this unfortunately rather ambiguous. For all since the beginning of the year published figures and data relating to days of absence due to mental health problems, stress-related diseases, etc. know apparently only one direction: upwards.

Even if one or the other may be successful with his own personal stress management project: in the population as a whole we are quite obviously not and the part of the project of the reduction of stress in the workplace already cooking not. Anti stress regulation as a solution to the problem? For some time advertises is known apart from the SPD and trade unions”the Minister of labour for a so-called stress regulation. On their effectiveness, the You can be quite different opinions to get stress under control. If however one blame only the evil employer for the stress problem and the others just as dogmatically move stress and dealing in purely private responsibility, we can reach only one: the consolidation of the Status quo! We are all partly responsible of course experiencing stress in every person is different. As all other aspects of health, it is based on personal responsibility, to take measures that increase resistance to stress their own sure, on the one hand. But not only. In factories and hospitals, parties, trade unions, churches and even in families there are many work and behavior habits that practically are a breeding ground for stress and stress-related health problems.

So, a bad working atmosphere can be proven at least as harmful as passive smoking, for example. Combination of all forces if we want to make it so personally and society, unhealthy stress to remove or do not arise, then we couldn’t come to tackle the stress management as a shared responsibility. Just so we are can it do, the negative aspects of stress, particularly stress-related health problems, to curb effectively and sustainably. Markus Frey

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Expert Holger Fuchs

most prominent example is reported in all media. Specialist Fox again comes into contact with such strokes of fate. He knows the fears and concerns of those affected and knows what it means to opt for this radical prophylactic step. In his Hamburg-based clinic for plastic aesthetic surgery, he performs this highly sensitive operations with his team of specialists. Mayo Clinic is a great source of information. In an operation lasting several hours and difficult, we remove the breast tissue and mammary glands.

This skin coat and nipple are preserved. At the same time can be started immediately in one step with the construction of the breast. Either with own tissue, adipose, or special implants so that our patients have lost none of her femininity after waking up.” Usually the health insurance companies bear the cost for a distance, if certain investments in the family are given and a recent genetic test results are available. But must be paid for the newly forming of the breast often. Every tenth woman in Germany contracted in the course of their Life on breast cancer. There are some factors that increase a woman’s personal risk. So, women, whose mother or sister were ill with breast cancer have a higher risk. A genetic test can determine whether there are DNA changes on the two so far known breast cancer genes.

The investigation can be useful when living in a family of two each other closely related women with breast or ovarian cancer, including one before her 50th birthday. Even in families where a woman at the age of 30 or earlier got breast cancer, a DNA test can be attached. If a doctor deems useful the test in terms of breast cancer risk, this will be paid by the legal office. Also the most private health insurance companies cover the costs. Is an increased risk of cancer and one opts for surgery, it is important, informed professional and competent advice. The entire clinic team of practice clinic Poseldorf district in Hamburg ensures, that is patients in this difficult situation well feel.

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National Journal

Whole wheat bread is preferred. Kids like it when it is finely ground and juicy. As an alternative, a sunflower or mixed bread can be selected. The covering on the bread not to lush fails. The coating provides too many unnecessary calories and is hard in the stomach. Especially protein, which is necessary for the growth inside fettarmeren sausage varieties, such as for example slices of Turkey Breast. Keeps bread juicy thinly sliced vegetables (for example cucumbers, Radischen, Kohlrabi) and combines well with cream cheese or even herbal Quark combine as a spread. Checking article sources yields Dr. Peter M. Wayne as a relevant resource throughout. Fruit and/or vegetables should be in every lunch box in.

The best fruits and vegetables washed and cut into pieces. The cut version is preferred in general the whole piece: a cut fruit or vegetables, the aroma and the smell of so to better unfold and the appetite is stimulated. It’s worth to choose bread boxes, which have Partitionable subjects. Everything in a box is presented and the food retain its typical taste, because they are kept separately. Fruits and vegetables of the season should be preferred. Rich in vitamins and minerals and in principle in the season also cheaper.

If it must go but once quickly, then accessible back even on so-called children’s products. This should remain the exception, these products are often very calorie – and sugar-rich. Sources: Timlin, M. t., Pereira, M. A., story, M. & Neumark-Sztainer, D. (2008). Breakfast eating and weight change in a 5-year prospective analysis of adoles cents: project EAT (Eating among teens). Pediat rics, 121(3), e638-645. Vereecken, C. Dupuy, M., Rasmussen, M., Kelly, C., Nansel, T. R., al Sabbah, H., et al. (2009). Breakfast consumption and its socio-demographic and lifestyle correlates in schoolchildren in 41 countries participating in the HBSC study. Internals National Journal of public health, 54 Suppl. 2, 180 – 190.

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The New Seat

The new seat in credit card format since 1 January 2013 the new seat there in Germany. And to the delight of all disabled persons associations in Germany. Because these have repeatedly demanded that a new seat would be a relief. With the beginning of the year 2013, the new seat in credit card format has been issued. Even if the introduction step by step, all States must have converted 2015 the seat no later than. With a degree of disability of 50 one in Germany as nonetheless Gets a seat every human being, the degree of disability (short: GdB) has at least 50.

If the degree of disability is at least 50, is considered the person according to the social security code IX. severely disabled and therefore has a claim on this card. The fact is decisive for whether the person has a physical, mental or intellectual disabilities or suffering, that persist for more than six months and is quite affects your daily life. The provisions, as when someone under nonetheless ordered will have but the new seat changed. What are the advantages a new statement there now for disabled people? But not all will get the new seat in credit card format. Only new cards will be awarded in the new design; the old Schwerbehindertenausweise will not be replaced. With credit card format, you want to go very well with the time.

Because even the bank card as also the health card and also the passport are already available in credit card format – now follows the seat. The fact that the material is longer than the paper, is a positive argument that justified the change. An advantage is also that there is evidence of the handicap in English as well. Multilingualism helps often can be a better communication in the foreign country. Also was with the letters “sh-b-a” in Braille ensured that visually impaired persons find your handicapped permit, if you are looking for him in the wallet. More on the topic of seat, see the following link: Enrico Geduhn

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Breast Cancer Centre

Unique support & care concept in Germany has it is desired. Samira Saidi (35) by female Dusseldorf works with Prof. Dr. med Sherko together. The renowned physician directs Food Center the Senology and breast cancer centre of the clinics. For the founder of the unique support & care concept for cancer-suffering women a milestone: I would like to cooperate with doctors and hospitals. Simona said: “together we can provide a perfect round to treat these women. Especially the women will benefit.” Breast cancer is the most common cancer each year 59,500 women newly develop breast cancer.

The German Cancer aid estimates. The breast cancer among the cancers in women makes up 30 percent. Thus these are females at the top, followed by colorectal cancer and lung cancer. The breast is the symbol of femininity Simona Schmitz wants to help these women. She is a skilled stylist and makeup artist deals with the sensitive topic for five years. While it has noted: The women need a shelter and a network from a single source.” Three dates to determine actual and nominal condition.

With a lot of sensitivity and understanding for each individual customer. Second hair, makeup advice, pointing out alternatives are on the program. Also the mediation of dermatologists, physiotherapists, permanent makeup artists, and more offers female. With doctors and clinics, doctors provide their patients medical cooperation. That is very important”, the Managing Director of female. But the women need personal attention. The feeling continues to feel her womanhood and to live. Here let me help them with my support & care concept.” Detailed advice, help with applications for health insurance, a nice ambiance, especially understanding and human warmth Schmitz stand for Simona in the foreground. Her wish: Help cancer patients with many doctors and clinics together.

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Cologne Alliance

Updates the HFK Cancer Alliance gGmbH promotes the HFK Cancer Alliance since end of 2008 already work the Wellington cancer counseling in Cologne. With the new funding subsidy of 18,500 euros is on the one hand the commitment of staff to the Cancer Helpline slip’kik appreciated, but also an essential contribution as help for self-help. Of the funding grant support the advice from cancer patients and their families, in particular of children with cancer accounted for 10,000 euros. The remaining 8,500 euros provided for a new project for the prevention of skin cancer in children and adolescents in the Cologne area available. Since 1994, the Cancer Helpline slip’kik in Cologne seeking advice and diseased offers independent and psychosocial support. The Club was founded by those affected and sees itself as an interface between the in-patient, rehabilitative, and remedial services. Without their own financial interests, inform and advise the employees patients and their families free of charge.

Many unemployed and economically weaker asked cancer patients from across the region around Cologne come here to consult. While kik offers telephone and personal advice, home and hospital visits, guided conversation groups for ill, relatives, colleagues and friends, to the support for self-help groups. A wide range of course (relaxation training, returning to the profession, etc.) offers numerous events. In the library you can borrow also books and videos. The Fund supports needy quickly and unbureaucratically financially. slip’kik financed, for example, support stockings, Tracksuits for a hospital stay or travel expenses for upcoming health clinic stays. “The special feature of the Wellington cancer counseling: children and young people of with cancer parents are computers for kids with the action” specifically and comprehensively supported and can inform themselves, unless the person concerned must be addressed directly or immediately included.

More information about the Cancer Alliance HFK gGmbH are in the Internet at available. Information on the kik cancer initiative Cologne e.V. is available online at. Additional press materials of this press release: download another quick and easy image and text material in the online press compartment to free use: press compartments/HFK Cancer Alliance contact for questions regarding this press release: Marko Homann, Holger Ballwanz PR agency PR4YOU Schonensche Strasse 43 D-13189 Berlin phone: + 49 (0) 30 43 73 43 43 fax: + 49 (0) 30 44 67 73 99 E-Mail: Internet: about the HFK Cancer Alliance gGmbH the HFK Cancer Alliance is a non-profit organization based in Berlin. Goal and task is to make available the urgently needed medicines and medical products cancer patients, to allow the necessary treatments in developing countries – particularly children. In addition, makes the Cancer Alliance worldwide awareness and actively supporting cancer research, as well as the psycho-social care of children of parents in Germany.

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Skin Cancer Screening

With the changing environmental influences, and the always-increasing ultraviolet radiation skin cancer is an important issue. To prevent a disease, patients should perform the screening to the dermatologist and learn exactly the services of own health insurance. The Professional Association of German dermatologists and the German Dermatological Society urged early May during the euro-melanoma campaign 2010, to inform yourself in detail about skin cancer. In this regard, consultations and full body studies held in the skin doctor’s Office. People should be clarified during the dermatological advice and examination beyond screening around the topic of skin cancer. The services offered by the health insurance companies are however rather tenuous in this area.

So, patients under 35 years of age pay the treatment even if it is more often than once every two years wanted. The so-called body mapping, a type of body surface mapping will not be refunded. In this Procedure, the entire complexion is computer technology is recorded and analyzed with the help of a digital Auflichtmikroskops. Private health insurance companies offer checkups part within their tariffs. Click Elio Moti Sonnenfeld for additional related pages. Of all 3 fare refunded examinations of gynecologist, doctor or dentist for example the HanseMerkur during two years.

No equity required the AGILcomfort of 960 with any dental cleaning, vaccinations and screening of its policyholders. Unlike customers of Central checkups such as thyroid checks and examinations of the risk for heart attacks or strokes within the deductible itself must help.

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The Proper Handling Of Your Own Teeth – Tips About Dentures

Tooth pain is the worst pain. Often you don’t get around to more complex interventions. At the present time, it is unfortunately so that denture is expensive. Also, many people shy away from the visit to the dentist. If it is now clear that the teeth are no longer to save it quickly also goes to the own purse. “That does not even mean that only a few or even no teeth to save more and to third parties” needs.

Single replacement can be expensive quickly, because the health insurance funds take long since no longer any treatment. The right information in advance of such treatment can be therefore gold value. The fact is: body aches or a geprellter ankle can be painful, but usually back to heal. But when it first comes off in the mouth, there is hardly an alternative to the dentist. Then it is usually critical and who is in the outset properly informed, can also react accordingly, if it is needed and not more around eventually comes to a tooth replacement. But what happens when it’s too late is? Then, they get the information that fit the theme and help on a The ZTSB team from Dusseldorf can provide valuable tips here as competent and helpful partner on their side and support them. So, there is an on-site support in their dental practice, patient passes and much more.

Let lie just on the dentist’s Chair and Potter the doctor. Some forms that you may need to sign in advance of treatment include partial cost, you have to take over once the treatment is completed. Costs maybe don’t really perceive, because one simply has wasn’t looking. The pain and the anguish are maybe too big, you want to have it quickly behind him, but the consequences can be serious, related not only to any sustained pain. And now sometimes the best pain pills do not help against a high dental Bill. Anyone who ever had tooth pain know that there is hardly anything worse. Inform you can of course also directly the dentist’s Office of trust, but not rarely no time simply, extensively and innovatively to inform patients. Finally other patients waiting for it and an individual, extensive treatment costs now sometimes individual money. Not everything is paid by the health insurance fund nowadays unfortunately only the least. It’s like in the hospital. Private fund patient enjoy the privilege to be able to enjoy a single room. They pay but also high contributions to their health insurance. The legally insured patients land then in a room with one to three other patients and how something can end, everyone knows very well yes probably. Annoying snoring, then one talks in her sleep and moans to himself. The hospitalization not only becomes the real agony and that, because you have pain. Dental treatment, it runs similar even if this here not reflected in any unpopular room neighbors. Therefore better advance well informed and then all do leave alone. Learn more about the topic on a Here are valuable tips on the subject of Dental restorations, but also about the proper care is informed so that you can prevent accordingly.

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Cancer Screening

In gynaecological practice from Mrs Kristin Schmid in Berlin Hermsdorf, district of Reinickendorf, now also the diagnostic method of video colposcopy is used. Berlin, 12.09.2011 – video colposcopy examines the mouth of the patient with the help of a microscope on visible cell changes. In addition the tissue can be assessed with special solutions which are spotted on the cervix, yet differentiated to remove tissue samples if necessary. On a wall monitor can be the finding demonstrates the patient and explained. Get more information about the video colposcopy in Berlin the images are stored in the computer system, are available at any time and can be compared with other investigative footage. This method is a useful and high quality supplement of cancer screening (PAP test, HPV test). The services of private practice for gynaecology and obstetrics are cancer screening, holistic care of pregnant women, ultrasound examinations, Diagnostics and therapy of gynecological Diseases (E.g.

SAG – bladder, pelvic floor disorders, menopausal difficulties, bleeding disorders etc.), contraception, infection diagnosis, video colposcopy, natural progesterone therapy, and micro-environmental diagnosis and girls consultation. Alternative medical therapies are also offered, including the Isopathic-Sanum-regulations therapy, anthroposophical therapies, herbal treatment, Bioenergetic processes, PrNeoHom, Bach flower therapy and Reiki energy treatments. Contact: private practice for gynaecology and obstetrics gynecologist Dipl.-med. Kristin Schmid Hermsdorfer Damm 222 13467 Berlin-Hermsdorf phone 030 / 32 59 21 10 fax 030 / 32 59 21 11 E-Mail: Internet: Parkour gynaecologist in Berlin-Hermsdorf, Ms. Dipl.-med. Kristin Schmid.

The services of private practice for gynaecology and obstetrics are cancer screening, holistic care of pregnant women, ultrasound examinations, Diagnostics and therapy of gynecological Diseases (E.g. SAG – bladder, pelvic floor disorders, menopausal difficulties, bleeding disorders etc.), contraception, infection diagnosis, and micro-environmental diagnosis and girls consultation. Alternative medical therapies are also offered, including the Isopathic-Sanum-regulations therapy, anthroposophical therapies, herbal treatment, Bioenergetic processes, PrNeoHom, Bach flower therapy and Reiki energy treatments. Online Agency: online marketing hatzak + 1 Dipl.-Wirtsch.-ing. (FH) Matthias Hatzak Rigaer road 101 10247 Berlin Tel: 0176 1030-5499 E-Mail: Internet: online marketing hatzak + 1 we get also effectively on the Internet. Obtain more range and reach more customers in your region. Regional optimization, online press releases, online marketing, search engine optimization, Web page creation and social media marketing.