Tag: medicine & surgery
Sport Against Cancer
Measures for the prevention and treatment of health-promoting effect of sport on the own well-being and body feeling is all too familiar. But enough motion acts also supportive to the prevention and treatment of serious diseases such as cancer. A stronger circulation, caused by physical activity, stimulates all body processes to more activity. Medical scientific research of the last years prove sport and movement along with a healthy diet not only preventing contribute some types of cancer, but a positive influence on the course of the disease. Who moves regularly, train movement as cancer prevention against the risk of promoting their own health and performance. Sport strengthens not only heart, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, but also the immune system and personal well-being. In medicine exercise has long been important preventive measure against heart circulatory problems, bone and muscle loss, diabetes, and many other diseases. The effect of sports in the prevention of some types of cancer, however, is a relatively new field of medical research.
Sporty, active people demonstrably less frequently get colon, breast, prostate or uterine cancer. With 40,000 to 120,000 participants, extensive epidemiological studies indicate that regular exercise reduces the risk of cancer by 20-50 percent. Colon cancer (colorectal cancer) is the risk reduction, for example, 40 to 50 percent for breast cancer 20 to 40 percent. Sports such as walking, jogging or cycling are particularly effective. Strengthening the body’s defenses puts the body in a position better to detect malignant modified cells and fight. Experts continue to underline the close connection between exercise and nutrition in the context of cancer prevention. Both factors influence the individual weight control, which also is of great importance to the prevention of cancer, persistent because obesity promotes the development of tumours. Movement as train cancer treatment against the disease sport and exercise as a treatment for cancer at first glance this may seem paradoxical, because ill have to be a lengthy and exhausting therapy.
Cancer Prevention
Cooperation project “active living with cancer” the National Center for tumor diseases (NCT) of Heidelberg and the University in Saarbrucken, Germany cooperate in the framework of one of the Manfred Lautenschlager Foundation funded project. The National Center for tumor diseases (NCT) Heidelberg signed a cooperation with the German University of prevention and health management (DHfPG) in Saarbrucken and the Centre of active prevention in Nussloch near Heidelberg. It aims, carry out interdisciplinary projects on cancer prevention. This involves, above all, to maintain the quality of life of cancer patients after treatment and to improve. The National Center for tumor diseases (NCT) Heidelberg is a joint institution of the German of cancer research center, the University Hospital Heidelberg, German Cancer aid and the Thoraxklinik Heidelberg. The Oncology Centre of top aims, as soon as possible to transfer promising findings from basic research into clinical practice.
“With We bring our expertise in the management and follow-up of cancer patients”our interdisciplinary team of doctors, nutritionists, social workers, sports scientists, biologists, epidemiologists, and psycho-oncologists, says Prof. Dr. Dirk Jager, Director of medical oncology at the NCT Heidelberg. “We look forward to the scientific knowledge and experiences that we gather here at the NCT, to make available as many cancer patients in the future.” “Many patients want back quickly after a busy cancer treatment in their lives”, Hunter’s colleague, Prof. Dr. Cornelia Ulrich added.
The NCT Director heads the Division for cancer prevention. “An active lifestyle helps them to cope with the consequences of their illness and treatment.” The German University offers accredited bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes in the area of prevention and health management. A study programme module “Active living with cancer” for the training of students is being developed within the framework of cooperation. The “active prevention centre” as a modern-equipped training centre provides the infrastructure available. The aim of the common activities is to find out how an interdisciplinary range of aftercare for cancer patients residence near fashion allows.
Center Tumor
The Centre for tumour therapy tumor immunology – dendritic cell therapy complementary cancer treatment from Stade informed the established tumour therapy such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy procedures drastically restrict the well-being of patients treated. An alternative to painful and harmful to cancer treatment represents the electro cancer therapy informed by naturopaths Sven Sbrezesny. The electro cancer therapy based on biochemical inspection, that the cells of a tumor guide better power than healthy tissue. As the flow following the immutable laws of nature, is done by those substances that exhibit the lowest electrical resistance, or in other words, have the highest electrical conductivity, electricity for the treatment of cancer can be harnessed. The different conductivity of healthy and diseased cancer tissue is exploited by the electro cancer therapy. This DC current in the tumor cells is routed through Platinum electrodes.
The flow of the depolarized diseased tissue, causing the tumor metabolism is stimulated to the production of acids. The pH in the cells of the tumor falls far enough, they die. The body’s immune system of the patient ultimately degrades the remaining remnants of the degenerate tumor tissue. On the basis of the theory given current flow, healthy tissue surrounding the treated cancer tumor, is kept from harm. For this reason, harmful side effects of therapy are not likely, yet known.
The special properties of the cancer therapy electro efficiently support the successful treatment of solid cancer tumours, which clearly differentiate yourself from surrounding tissues. As a non-invasive therapies, it reduces the need for operations. She undergoes increased use if surgery for aesthetic reasons should be avoided or could cause irreparable damage to bodily functions. Sven Sbrezesny has many years of professional experience and comprehensive expertise in cancer therapy. Stade in the natural healing Center is composed the dedicated healers for the needs of his patients with body-friendly, focused on wholeness, therapies such as the electro cancer therapy a. He is with advice and assistance in all areas of cancer and pain therapy at her side.
The Right Micronutrients In Cancer
New paperback patients published Frankfurt/Main, 28.08.2013 (Baba): cancer patients often suffer from a severe lack of vitamins and minerals. German health assistance informed about causes, risks and consequences, as well as the possibilities of a sufficient supply. According to official estimates more than 450,000 people develop in Germany every year new cancer. Already diagnose many patients suffer due to illness a substantial undersupply of micronutrients. In addition, the need for stressful and intense treatment is significantly increased. Today, it is scientifically proven that the controlled intake of vitamins, minerals and trace elements can make an important contribution to positively influence the disease and to support the immune system. In addition, micro-nutrients can help alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, to improve the prognosis of the disease and to improve the quality of life. The German health help enlighten in the new free paperback ‘ micronutrients in cancer ‘ experienced patients, whether they adequately feed, on what nutrients it can lack, what should be taken when taking and what can cause micro-nutrients in cancer therapy.
Lifesaving Prevention
Dr. med. Nazif Tsvetkov from Gelsenkirchen informs every eighth ill in Germany up to ten women sometime on breast cancer. No other type of cancer is so widespread in women or cost so many lives every year. A thorough prevention of breast cancer is therefore most important.
The Gelsenkirchen gynecologist Dr. Sonnhild Zwetkow describes her process. Every woman is necessarily advisable, to perform medical examinations for the early detection of breast cancer from her 20 years of age on a regular basis. The check-ups usually consist of a thorough history of the personal risk of the disease the patient is determined by means of the. The likelihood that breast to cancer, depends on genetic predispositions, which show up in the family history of the disease, as well as age and environmental factors. Part of the medical history creates therefore a detailed profile of the patient that it allows to make a general statement about their risk for the disease. According to the The attending specialist in women’s health, the chest of patients studied history.
The sampling and analysis of mammary glands and regional Lymphabflussgebieten is a core part of all screening for breast cancer. For early detection of potentially hazardous tissues nodes by a specialist cancer screening takes place best from 20 years of age of the patient. In any case she should are perceived regularly by the age 30 until the end of life, as it stipulates the statutory screening. At the beginning of the 40th year of life, the X-ray imaging of mammography complements medical screening. It allows the imaging of breast tissue and helps, as long as it runs annually, to detect early cancer-vulnerable tissue and to initiate necessary therapeutic measures. The mammography charge the body with X-rays. According to scientific research benefits from the 40th year of life the patient however exceeds the consequences Exposure to radiation. The breast cancer screening can be improved through further investigation methods, ultrasound equipment, but not by the statutory health insurance be paid which, as the usage. Detected signs of possible cancer in the context of screening is an immediate reconnaissance or recording of therapy in cancer clinics and breast centres. The Gelsenkirchen specialist in women’s health Dr. Sonnhild Zwetkow involved for many years in breast cancer screening and gladly further questions on this important topic. Press contact Dr. med.
Risk Factor Unhealthy Life Style
Also the joints suffer and need special protection smoking is unhealthy. We know that. Obesity is harmful. We also know that. And the combination of the two does no good now really our health.
Negative consequences not only on the heart are so predictably circulatory system. No, like also the joints. Once of course by the load as a result of the excess weight. But also by the ignition propensity increased in smokers who are overweight. So, researchers have found that obese smokers have a particularly high risk to damage to joints, which are often inflammatory nature.
What is to be done? Of course quit smoking and reduce weight, even if it is difficult. And in addition the joints specifically support with natural components of joint and anti-inflammatory drugs, which can promote the smooth functioning of the joints and reduce the inflammation in the joints. This, certainly, a good balanced diet plays an important role. But that’s enough? Often unfortunately not,. provide as many food sufficient joint modules nor natural anti-inflammatories. So what’s to do? The solution lies in the form of tablets and capsules with the required components on hand. Articular cartilage to the maintenance and strengthening of the repair shop”will be provided enough building materials and also anti-inflammatory substances. Then, the cartilage scaffold can remain strong and elastic. Here the joint modules with the name of Glucosamine and Chondroitin sulphate and the purely plant-based Omega-3 fatty acid ALA have proven. Glucosamine plus chondroitin sulfate is there as ArtVitum tablets. ALA is included in the plant OmVitum capsules. ArtVitum is a supplementary balanced diet for nutritional treatment of osteoarthritis. The small tablets are free from sugar, lactose, gluten, and dyes. OmVitum is a supplementary balanced diet for nutritional treatment of inflammation. Both are for health-conscious people Preparations in offered as ArtVitum plus in the low-cost Combi Pack.
Cancer Prevention
Oral contraceptives save each year 50,000 women living round prevent six million women in Germany with the birth control pill. Especially in the age group between 20 and 29 years, over 70 per cent of young women rely on it as a contraceptive. In addition to this primary reason for the revenue, there are still more positive side effects, which have not only a therapeutic but also as a preventive medical added value. That the pill (oral contraceptive) regulates the menstrual cycle of women, reduce the menstrual pain and the appearance of the skin, known as is generally the case of acne, improves. The preventive potential of the pill, such as, for example, cancer prevention, emerged only in the last few years. “In the October issue of the journal obstetrics and Gynecology” has Prof. Dr. med.
“Bernd Kleine-gunk, gynecologist and President of the German society for prevention and anti-aging medicine e.V. (GSAAM) for the first time the therapeutic added value” comprehensively the pill documented (Kleine-gunk, B: hormonal contraceptives therapeutic benefit and nonkontrazeptiver benefit, obstetrics and Gynecology 2013, 18 (SH1) 20-23 often concentrates in the Thematisation of the contraceptive pill on the undesirable side effects.) That however, the pill prevents a number of common cancers so far very little is known. And this, even though there is already several studies demonstrating that such as risk for an ovarian cancer, the most virulent of all gynecological cancers, see taking the pill by 25 to 30 percent reduction. The longer the duration of intake persists, the further reduces the risk the average by a further 20 percent each of five years. This protection is maintained even in a deposition for at least another 15 years”, explains Professor Kleine-gunk. This means that the mortality rate, which is particularly high in this disease can be reduced by taking the pill to 20,000 cancer deaths each year.