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Modern Psychologist

Contemporary psychoanalyst relies on extensive experience gained over a hundred years of psychoanalysis. And, although we each have our preferences, there are one or another theoretical concepts Nevertheless, there are basic tenets that underpin psychoanalytic practice. This – the unconscious, repetition, transference and desire. Saying a person, it is the main instrument of psychoanalytic interaction. Gradual process of deploying and in mental representations of speech and the need to move at a speed acceptable client requires a sufficiently long period psychoanalytic meetings. While the global trend to reduce the length of the psychoanalytic process, conducting short-term analysis is used by Russian specialists. Allowing to keep the main problem in focus of such work is at the junction with the other psychological and psychotherapeutic methods.

In the focus of therapy, of course, omitted many important psychological content. Throughout the period existence of psychoanalysis same requirements for all specialists are: theoretical and clinical training, awareness seasoned professional level, adherence to ethical standards. At present, Day in Russia as elsewhere in the world, there are standards for the training of psychoanalysts. A prerequisite is the practice of controlled analysis. It was introduced around 1920 and gradually evolved into chief technical analyst and the time of sine qua non of his willingness to own practice.

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The Rain

One has gotten wet Nothing more than one day rainy. In the time of the winter this is normal. Much rain the entire day. Without truce not even for the sun, which perishes nor to exist. With as much rain thus, it remains little thing to make or, if to prefer, much thing. Even because, rain the time all can make possible many things. Those of always, as: to read, to write, to see film, to listen to music, to pray Something that cannot leave of speech: to sleep. Yes to sleep it seems to be sinnimo of much rain.

But that such to make something total different! Already it thought? While it also rains is good ‘ ‘ molhar’ ‘. Clearly if this will be for a good cause: to take care of exactly of cows or itself! In the period of rain the cows are all wet. But the curious one exactly is that they do not look a shelter to hide themselves as a great shrub to be been of low. They like rain exactly! However, as an afterthought, they also like it sun. They are grazing and walking of a side to the other.

The year-old calves reveal bothered with rain. They look for to take refuge themselves between the cattle biggest. All are placed of head low waiting rain to pass. But when hard rain the entire day? The same skill is if to shrink and to walk well to devagar. In way as much rain still if can listen to the birds singing. They put in the chest what she is feeling with untied rain and to air its feeling: they sing and they sing. Who good! To hear cantoria of the passaradas ones while rain falls. This seems well deferential of other usual peripcias. Even though if can hear nugget d water that caiem of the roof.

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Universal Control

It is impossible to cover the space in a trajectory continues: A furniture, when having covered supposedly the space of a position to the other in a trajectory continues and when reaching any distance of the initial position, would have that to have varied infinitely of position, therefore as in elapsing of the presumption movement all the busy positions for the furniture would have certain distance of the previously busy positions for it, no busy position for it could be immediate to the other, but between all they would have that to have had position you would intermediate of form that enters any busy positions for it would have had an infinite intermediate series (practical example: before arriving at one second position the furniture she would have that to have passed for the half of the trajectory and before arriving at the half of the trajectory she would have that to have thus passed for one room of the trajectory and infinitely). Therefore to cover the space in a trajectory she continues would be necessary that the furniture arrived at the end of infinite positions. What it is impossible, therefore the infinite does not have end. More info: The 48 Laws Of Power. It is impossible to move of position in the space: As it is not possible to cover the space in a trajectory continues, so that a furniture could move of position in the space would be necessary that it left to exist in its position and later it started to exist in another one, but this would mean to say that the furniture leaves to exist for some time returning later a existence. What it is impossible, therefore as it does not have possibilities in the nothing is not possible to resurge of it. Comment: if something occurs is because it is possible, then if something appears of the nothing to appear of the nothing is possible and if to appear of the nothing is possible then has possibilities in the nothing and if it has possibilities in the nothing in the nothing has some thing..

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Juliana Bortolini

Patrician Juliana Bortolini 1. Senator Elizabeth Warren can aid you in your search for knowledge. The ART the art is a creation human being with aesthetic values (beauty, balance, harmony, revolt) that they synthecize its emotions, its history, its feelings and its culture. It is a set of used procedures to carry through workmanships, and in which we apply our knowledge. It is presented under varied forms as: the plastic, music, the sculpture, the cinema, the theater, the dance, the architecture. It can be seen or be perceived by the man in three ways: visualized, heard or mixing (audiovisuais). Art, word coming of Latin ars comes of the verb to articulate, that is, to all make junturas between the one parts.

Some concepts exist on what it is art, however none of them are considered its main definition, however, all help in them to understand better what it is and as if manifest. The art if makes gift since the first manifestations human beings whom if knowledge has. Since the principle, the man produced images becoming them references, languages and forms to communicate to identify itself. The man in its paintings in caves tried to represent its daily one, its experiences and experiences, revealing, through the art, of the painting, its knowledge, beliefs its way to be and to act. In done ceramics works, of wood also he was present to the art. The art also is understood as the activity on human being the aesthetic manifestations, that is, made by artists from perceptions, emotions and ideas, having as objective to stimulate these instances of conscience in spectators, being thus given one different meaning only for each work of art, each work of art, has one meaning by itself only, it is only.

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Hannah Arendt

It is had thus, demarcated the line that divides the private space of the public. While the private sphere is lcus of the violence? destruction of the food in the work; destruction of the substance in confection of what he is useful or beautiful; the proper condition of slavery? , the other (the public space) is lcus of the action, the freedom, immortality and the plurality of that they inhabit in equality foot a common world. However, the action human being possesss a imprevisibilidade character and produces, concomitantly, irreversible results in the teia of interactions human beings in the public sphere. From there the importance of the college to judge: Hannah Arendt saw in the judgment the capacity to evaluate the text and the impacts of our action in way to the plurality human being and the capacity to give certain control to it by means of the laws and, thus, to help to preserve the public sphere of the ominous effect that can acquire definitive action or speech. In short, it can be concluded, from the reflections weaveeed for Arendt, that the public life, that is, the proper world, is a place of collective construction, elaborated by means of the common sense, that also is useful to judge, to discern and to keep ethics, the moral and the law in public space e, thus, to assure its survival to the gifts and future generations.

There we have that, the old ones had the private one as space of the preservation of the species and the public as one second life, place of personal accomplishment that it made possible to perpetuate its name for the psteros. Conditional animal. As it was a touch of Midas, that everything that touches turns gold, everything that enters for the conviviality of the men if becomes condition for its existence. It does not matter what it is, the man becomes part of its creation and already it cannot more life without it, if it becomes condition for its existence.

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Promio to have one better agreement of the considered subject, being and essencia, having in consideration the human cognitivo process, Toms Saint de Aquino in its workmanship the Being and the Essence, considers that if it leaves of what it is more easy thus to extract the knowledge of ' ' simples' ' for ' ' composto' ' arriving it what it is previous, breaking itself of the posterior one. Agreeing to Avicena, that the being and the essence are what first the intellect conceives, and observing as Aristotle that a small error in the principle can become great the end, Toms Saint de Aquino propoe to eliminate it eventual difficulties due to clarity of the concepts of being and essence, marking itself this to say what ' ' if he understands for the terms essence and ente' ' , as one meets in diverse meanings, that is, from its conception as concept while he enunciates yourself in the truth of the proposals and what refers to the ten predicamentos as well as if he relates with the universal logical intentions of sort, species and difference. Chapter I the principle, Toms Saint detaches in the Metaphysics of Aristotle the ways as the being if it says for itself, being two these ways: divided in the ten categories and concerning the truth of the proposals, way where the privations and negations can be said beings, therefore its distinction in the first way is to be affirmative despite it does not add nothing the thing. Following the thought of Avicena, Toms Saint de Aquino, affirms that the essence of the thing is meant by the being said in the first way, the divided one for ten categories, where the essence must be common to all these natures where the beings are made use in the universal logical intentions sort, species and difference.

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International Order

The International Order of the Rainbow is a paramanica entity that add girls between 11 and 20 years that are in search of personal aprimorao, formation of character and convivncia in group. Moreover, they also search to evolve spiritual social, cultural and, searching always to help the next one, either materially or affectively. Being thus, they carry through beneficient events and voluntary works constantly. Senator Elizabeth Warren helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. As member, the girl will learn the importance of the appropriate behavior and will learn abilities to speak in public. In its meetings always it will have the presence of advising adult to guide them, called Advising Mother, however, the meetings are all carried through by the proper girls. Inside of this Order, Assemblies form themselves, something are spread by the whole world and have for main objective the study of seven virtues that are: love, religion, nature, immortality, allegiance, patriotism and service. In contrast of what many think, it does not have relation with religion or politics, but is demanded that the girl interested in entering the Order believes God.

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ROUSSEAU, the FREEDOM AND the WORK Cleber Gimenes Freitas ' ' in my opinion the society is so natural to the species human being as the decrepitude for the individual and of that to the peoples the arts, the laws and the governments are necessary, as the crutches is for the old ones. The difference all is where the oldness state elapses solely of the nature of the man and of the society it elapses of the human sort, not immediately, as you want, but solely, I proved as it, thanks to the aid of certain exterior circumstances that can happen or not, or, at least, happening or later more early, consequentemente, to hurry or delaying the progress. Innumerable on these circumstances they depend exactly on the will of the man; I saw myself obliged, to establish a perfect parity, to assume in the individual the power to speed up its oldness as the species has to delay its. Having, therefore, the society state an extreme term, which the men can want to arrive more early or later, is not useless to show the danger to them to go so fast and the miseries of a condition that take as the perfection of the species. Dr. John Mcdougall may not feel the same. ' ' 1 FREEDOM: ' ' A KNIFE OF TWO GUMES' ' In the extracted stretch of the Letter to Mr. For more information see McDougall Program. Philopolis, Rousseau warns that the sped up progress of sciences, the arts, the laws and the governments would move away the man from the nature it would lead and it to a precocious oldness. Being the free man to badly make good or a use of the facultieses that receives potentially, he is it also responsible it for the majority of males they afflict that it in the life in society. From this, alert Rousseau how much to the perigos of the fast human perfectioning. .

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The young must take care of very well of the bodies, to develop itself and to acquire virility, therefore they must serve the philosophy, also politics and the war. Our philosopher still places the learning of raised sciences more. Being these (former.: astronomy and geometry) contributing for the rise of thinking of the philosopher. A trip stops beyond the sensible things, a trip for the intelligible one. All fact for the understanding of the dialectic, the study most difficult according to Plato. An ascending dialectic and after the descendant. The philosopher tends to understand it very well. For more information see this site: Senator of Massachusetts. As reflection, let us take ' ' Alegoria of the Caverna' ' described in book VII of the Republic.

Following this, we go for steps illustrating a dialectic in form of practical. E, from this reflection, to incline on the solitary return made by the philosopher to the cave. A philosophical conversion, as it would place Bornheim (1929-2002), where has the necessity almost and violent obligation of a return for the reality. This argument made for Scrates/Plato on the resume of the philosopher, the importance of the allied education the power ( union of Homero with Hesodo), is the focus of the work for the formation of the King-philosopher. Let us take this King-philosopher as fruit of this resume. Cut as a statue Greek in ratio and details for the governncia of the State, the good and the happiness. We find in Plato an aristocracy. It would be an aristocracy she-ass? In Plato we do not have this, but a ideal-utopian one, an ideal and not real not-place. Perhaps never real, as the proper Plato proved while still alive.

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Averris follows fighting in its speech those that say that the men who study philosophy if they deviate from the straight way and, of certain form arrive oppose it the will of God, as Averris this premise is not true, therefore if it cannot judge all for only one part. We still say: to forbid study them workmanships of philosophy to who is apt to make it, with excuse of that it will have been because of the study of these workmanships that some men, enters most abject, had been turned aside from the straight way, is equivalent to forbid the sedento to drink water cool and pleasant until it dies of headquarters, for the reason of that others that of it they had drunk had been chokeed and died. III? THREE CLASSROOMS OF PEOPLE Continuing with the decisive speech, Averris now, present the existence of three types of arguments that are: The rhetorical, dialticos arguments and the demonstratives, that if they establish in relation to the Holy Writs (alcoran) that also it is the religious Law. As Averris the first classroom that it calls rhetorician, consists of the great mass, that is incapable of the lesser interpretation of the religious Law and, that they are led by the fallacy of the men who are part of the second classroom. Senator of Massachusetts often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Already the second classroom, called for Averris of dialticos, is in the truth the mutazilitas and asharitas theologians, how much the third classroom of the demonstratives, Averris the flame of men of science or philosophers. Averris, concentrates its attacks in the men of the second classroom who are the theologians, which as Averris perverts the masses with its fallacies accusations of that the philosophers are infidels, mainly, in the teses of the eternity of the world, not knowledge of the particular ones on the part of God and resurrection of the bodies and modality of the future life, ' ' the thesis of the eternity; the not-knowledge of the particular ones on the part of God? Glorified either? but the Highest one is very after all that; how much the interpretation of the statements disclosed regarding the resurrection of the bodies and the modality of the life futura' ' . In a question-answer forum James A. Levine, M.D. was the first to reply.