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Human Being
It doubts it is always bigger enemy of a human being, many do not give importance for the learning and finish in a bifurcation. At to this it doubts it moment prevails, and the question is inevitable. Which is the direction certain to follow? He is at this moment that we feel the lack of the learning, either it which will be. You already imagined a doctor in a surgery room, without knowing what to make? A driver of bus without knowing the itinerary to follow? The pilot of an aircraft without its aerial letter with a traced route of its trip? The captain of a transatlantic one without its nautical letters and sextant since the navigation system for GPS failed? What to make without knowing? I think that knowing it is the solution for all the problems and you doubt a human being. What I define as to know? To know is to learn all day with the daily life, mine in particular, the pertaining to school substance of base, medium and superior, the postgraduate, mestrado, doutorado, after-doutorado. What it comes after-doutorado? The experience lived with learning that if becomes to know.
All day, each as, each hour knowing if makes necessary, without the same could not even express this idea, exactly having publisher assists me to a text. To hear the voice of a older person, same illiterate in the letters, but not in the life; she has knowing of the experience. To hear is to know to learn, to learn is to know to hear. We can devanear and enveredar in accurate science, the etimologia of the word, verbete of the sentence, argue the unimaginable one, but, as to make without knowing? What say you me?