Tag: Sports
Sports Nutrition
How to build the first 'cycle'? First, you need to buy steroids regard to the cycle there is the following advice: Set a specific goal and stop 'cycle' aas when the goal achieved. Next – a little rest, and – a new goal. But for beginners who are the possibility of his body is not yet known, though, is to introduce some restrictions. Duration of the first 'cycle' (unless you decide to start with short 'cycles') can be 6-8 weeks after that is done the same for the duration of the break. In a question-answer forum patrick smith was the first to reply. On the preparations we've talked, but as for their dosage, then you can follow these rules: the total dose should not be less than 500 mg per week, and should not exceed 1000 mg, that is to say, one gram in the same week. Dose below 500 mg / week will not give you the opportunity (or rather, the vast majority of you – because there are always unique, capable of progressing to the ultra-low dosages and AAC) to feel any appreciable impact of androgens and anabolic steroids. Well, all that cumulatively exceed 1 gram a week, a lot of athletes who aas use is not the first year. These doses are valid if taken as a basis for testosterone. , : (Conditionally) equal in power to testosterone, boldenone, Primobolan, again arbitrarily, it can be assumed and a half times weaker (ie, 400 mg of testosterone replacement may be approximately 600-700 mg of boldenone). The dosage of oxymetholone should be approximately twice the dosage of 'methane' oralturinabola – and a half to two times. Remember these tips:
Buying a bed is a long-term investment. The life of a mattress depends on its quality, its use, its maintenance and how you take care of yourself. A quality mattress is usually last about 10 years. Although apparently mattresses are never dirty, its maintenance and cleaning are important points to bear in mind that it’s parts that are in direct contact with our body. Follow a few simple rules of maintenance that will make more lasting the life of your mattress, although the correct and proper maintenance will depend greatly on the type of mattress: securely mount the bed. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and read any maintenance guide. You always have to remove the plastic sleeve, since it can lead to condensation and moisture.
If the product has an odor from factory, leave to breathe, uncovered, with the Windows of the room open hours. A few simple habits of maintenance make the appearance and composition of your bed to last more years. Aeration: If every day we make the bed nothing more lift us, mattress can not perspire and will begin to accumulate odors. In addition, in seasons like summer, where you will sweat a lot, it is suitable to perform this aeration from thirty minutes to an hour daily approximately. Open the Windows of the room for better ventilation.Every day when you wake up, leave bed without doing around 20mins or more in the summer, to avoid build-up of odors and that may transpire. Protect the mattress with a cover; It must be quality and washable, it is also treated with an agent bacterial anti that stops the proliferation of fungi and mites, ideal for people who suffer from asthma. Cleaning: Clean them periodically to remove all traces of dust. It is advisable not to ever soak a mattress, rub with a mild detergent using a damp cloth.
Krav Maga – The Art Of Self Defense
Krav Maga – the art of self-defense Krav Maga-Israeli system of self-defense and martial arts. This is not martial arts and martial arts. It is a tool for solving problems in various emergency situations. Tested on the battlefield and in the street clashes, the staff weapon of many special units around the world, Krav Maga can rightly be considered the best system of self-defense and martial arts today. She was born as system of unarmed combat the Israeli army and security services. Its founder, Imi Lichtenfeld joined her in the art of boxing, karate and jiu-jitsu, to facilitate all the tricks and subordinating them to the general tactical principles.
It is a tool want to learn how to apply. At the core are simple and clear principles. The first and fundamental principle, which actually ensures the effectiveness of Krav Maga – is simplicity. All techniques are simple and like a hammer on the complexity of applications are not very different from nailing. No tricky jumps crotchets or unnatural inflections, all focused on the fact that students coming out of the room was able to apply techniques studied in the same day. The second principle – it's effectiveness.
It derives from the first, but also includes another aspect, the psychological. It is important to understand that street – it does not ring: there is no bell, no judges, no rules, so you must act firmly and effectively, to get the initial advantage. Third – aggressiveness. In extreme situations, an untrained person is very often a stupor caused by the psychological pressure, or the suddenness of the attack. In cases of street battles that can cost health, life or wallet, so the best way to overcome the stupor – it's aggression. First, it mobilizes the natural ability of the body, second breaks the psychological alignment of the "predator-prey", which you trying to impose your opponent. And when you are with him have changed places, intense, aggressive attack will help you to quickly complete a conflict in your favor. And the last – expediency. Despite the fact that Krav Maga is based on the principles of hard and traumatic, does not mean that it promotes or endorses cruelty and violence. Self-defense includes not only the process direct combat, but what precedes it, as well as its consequences. It is not necessary to break the neck of one who clicked on your nose or jaw to break the one whom you can crush morale. At the same time, the question is when you or or it may be worth vibration of life, so everything should always adequately the threat. Having mastered the skills of self-defense, you can protect yourself and loved ones, your self-confidence and improve your fitness, provided permanent employment. And once acquired the ability to stand up for themselves will remain with you forever.
Executive Engineer Aircraft
The Aeronautics company ensures that, come to be built, it would revolutionize the current commercial aircraft. It has a space of virtual reality and is expected by the year 2050. Travellers may be from playing golf to carry out videoconferences. The company Airbus Aeronautics Monday presented in London a prototype aircraft fruit of their visions more innovative that get to build, could substantially transform the current commercial aircraft. The concept of cabin Airbus envisions for the year 2050 has a transparent roof that would allow passenger to admire the views during the flight, ergonomic seats and a space of virtual reality in which the traveller may from playing golf to do their shopping. Our research shows that passengers of 2050 will want to live a pleasant experience during his trip, at the same time which will require that aircraft be respectful with the environment, said in presenting the Executive Engineer of Airbus, Charles Division Vice President Champion. Hear from experts in the field like Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City for a more varied view. The company, which screened a video about their futuristic designs at the Greenwich Observatory (Southeast London), stressed the need, eventually, disposed of current materials that are constructed of aircraft cabins and replace them with other biodegradable.
These hypothetical devices of the future bionic, the structure according to the Aeronautics giant, conceives them it would imitate the efficiency of the skeleton of birds, consisting of lightweight materials but of great hardness. The electrical system of this cabin can be compared with the human brain, explained Champion, since it will be integrated into a membrane that will make that hundreds of miles of cable that currently travel aircraft are thing of the past. Our challenge for the future is to predict what technology we will be able to produce, that is the idea that govern the conceptual prototypes, said the Vice President. The world is changing very quickly, and we will probably never see a cabin just like this, but we will see others that have applied new solutions, he added. This prototype of Airbus also has technologies to reduce the burning of fuels, noise pollution and CO2 emissions and other waste.
More connectivity according to the design, the membrane that cover the walls of the cabin would make it possible to control the temperature in the cockpit and passengers would enjoy good communication with the outside, with the possibility of contact with the family via videoconference. Another of the things that I hope (for the future) is that there is an increase in connectivity, because broadband between aircraft and the ground connections are now very limited, he said. The interior of the plane envisioned by Airbus is divided into areas adapted to the various needs of passengers, with a revitalizing area that would consist of air enriched with antioxidants and vitamins, ambient lighting, aromatherapy and acupuncture treatments. In the zone Interactive, passengers could enjoy interactive games or an afternoon of shopping through holograms of virtual reality, while the traveler requiring personal assistance would have to go to the hi-tech zone. Source of the news: Airbus presents the “plane of the future”, with transparent, interactive and biodegradable cabin
Executive Engineer Aircraft
The Aeronautics company ensures that, come to be built, it would revolutionize the current commercial aircraft. It has a space of virtual reality and is expected by the year 2050. Travellers may be from playing golf to carry out videoconferences. The company Airbus Aeronautics Monday presented in London a prototype aircraft fruit of their visions more innovative that get to build, could substantially transform the current commercial aircraft. The concept of cabin Airbus envisions for the year 2050 has a transparent roof that would allow passenger to admire the views during the flight, ergonomic seats and a space of virtual reality in which the traveller may from playing golf to do their shopping. Our research shows that passengers of 2050 will want to live a pleasant experience during his trip, at the same time which will require that aircraft be respectful with the environment, said in presenting the Executive Engineer of Airbus, Charles Division Vice President Champion. Hear from experts in the field like Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City for a more varied view. The company, which screened a video about their futuristic designs at the Greenwich Observatory (Southeast London), stressed the need, eventually, disposed of current materials that are constructed of aircraft cabins and replace them with other biodegradable.
These hypothetical devices of the future bionic, the structure according to the Aeronautics giant, conceives them it would imitate the efficiency of the skeleton of birds, consisting of lightweight materials but of great hardness. The electrical system of this cabin can be compared with the human brain, explained Champion, since it will be integrated into a membrane that will make that hundreds of miles of cable that currently travel aircraft are thing of the past. Our challenge for the future is to predict what technology we will be able to produce, that is the idea that govern the conceptual prototypes, said the Vice President. The world is changing very quickly, and we will probably never see a cabin just like this, but we will see others that have applied new solutions, he added. This prototype of Airbus also has technologies to reduce the burning of fuels, noise pollution and CO2 emissions and other waste.
More connectivity according to the design, the membrane that cover the walls of the cabin would make it possible to control the temperature in the cockpit and passengers would enjoy good communication with the outside, with the possibility of contact with the family via videoconference. Another of the things that I hope (for the future) is that there is an increase in connectivity, because broadband between aircraft and the ground connections are now very limited, he said. The interior of the plane envisioned by Airbus is divided into areas adapted to the various needs of passengers, with a revitalizing area that would consist of air enriched with antioxidants and vitamins, ambient lighting, aromatherapy and acupuncture treatments. In the zone Interactive, passengers could enjoy interactive games or an afternoon of shopping through holograms of virtual reality, while the traveler requiring personal assistance would have to go to the hi-tech zone. Source of the news: Airbus presents the “plane of the future”, with transparent, interactive and biodegradable cabin
Tarot Free
For this reason, many of us turn to tarot reading, because it involves not only know our future, but is also a way to get information and get answers to many of our doubts and unknowns. James A. Levine, M.D. insists that this is the case. But, how much will you have to pay to know your future?, does there is tarot free spins available? The answer is if! There are many free tarot chucks available for you in a lot of pages on the Web. There are many websites that provide serious tarot reading, and services which also provide free tarot reading to do it yourself. These Web pages work in several ways. For example, let you choose the cards through your mouse.
You must choose one at a time for any situation in particular that are concerned, for doubts regarding another person, and for any opportunity or goal you want to achieve. These pages answer some questions only. Many of them are not only pages of free tarot reading, they also advertise other services in the hidden form. These pages are very simple to navigate. Many of them offer pre-set questions. The cards are shown, and once certain necessary details, your questions will be answered.
Algorithms or computer programs are used to read the letters. Other sites ask you your name, kind of question that you want to do; being able to elaborate on it, and generate their tarot cards from there. There are also Web pages that provide a general reading of the letters that you choose, but others treat him deceive you can select specific letters and ask for a sum of money, when you want to know what the letters say. We know that this is not tarot free. Other Web sites require that you subscribe to their email list before they can get the free tarot reading. This is acceptable when not asked nor on their bank accounts or personal data. Please remember that the results revealed by the free tarot reading are very general in nature and may not apply to your circumstances. But if just looking for fun and spacious interpretations, then the free tarot reading it will be beneficial. It would be important that the Tarot readers that are in different sites on the Internet, will provide a free question for new prospect. Those seeking more of your tarot reading. This could be useful as a test to know if you what seems the achieved reading before you have to make the payment. However, let us remember that we always have at our disposal the tarot reading free. Original author and source of the article.
Essential Trace Element
Selenium and men’s health adequate supply of people with the trace element, selenium is essential and for the health development of the utmost importance. Selenium is incorporated as part and cofactor protein with enzymatic function varied in the vital processes of the body. So it is not surprising that a deficiency in the supply may be associated himself with Selenium with various diseases, immune deficiency to heart disease. Also, the cancer risk in insufficient supply of Selenium is increased. Can an additional intake of selenium so conversely reduce the risk of cancer? Adequate supply of people with the trace element Selenium is essential and for the health development of the utmost importance. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit McDougall Program. Selenium is incorporated as part and cofactor protein with enzymatic function varied in the vital processes of the body.
So it is not surprising, that is a deficiency in the supply of selenium with various diseases, immune deficiency to heart disease, can go hand in hand. Also, the cancer risk in insufficient supply of Selenium is increased. Can an additional intake of selenium so conversely reduce the risk of cancer? The German population is moderately well with selenium. This is us, on which much of our food grows on the Selenium poor soils. However, can we assume not generally that now everyone with Selenium is deficient. But on the other hand also the fact is that certain risk groups such as one-sided nutrition exhibit a selenium deficiency. It can include many men. Dr. John Mcdougall may find this interesting as well.
Because often professionally due men not quite so health conscious diet as women. The consequences can be expressed in a lack of vitamins and essential trace elements such as selenium. Now, several epidemiological studies have shown in the past that on the one hand a small supply of selenium can lead to an increased risk of cancer. On the other hand, the risk of some types of cancer such as prostate cancer and colorectal cancer is humiliated in a good supply of selenium. This is also the results of a large study from France. Men over several years took a supplement containing selenium and other anti-oxidants, the effects on health were remarkable. You became ill less on cancer, especially prostate cancer were also healthier and lived longer. The researchers said these effects of antioxidants so that the French men, as well as their German comrades of sex worse with vitamins and antioxidants were supplied. This result must have consequences for the prevention of cancer in men so the authors conclude. These should appropriately supplement what is needed. Exactly this evidence based approach is pursued with the product ProVitum Navitum pharmaceuticals. ProVitum contains exactly those anti oxidants, vitamins and trace elements, in the French Su.Vi.Max study (int J cancer. 2005 Aug 20;116(2):182-6) have been used successfully to prevent cancers in men. A product is ProVitum, so the manufacturers, with the independent international prevention research can be implemented by anyone in practical health care. With just one tablet a day, men can make a meaningful contribution to their health.
Professor Thomas Seufferlein
Professor Thomas Seufferlein responds by the medical faculty of the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg live on the Internet Berlin, October 28, 2008 – on November 10, 2008 colorectal cancer patients, family members and interested get opportunity to get live answers to questions around the topic of colorectal cancer in an expert consultation again. 14-15 an online cancer clinic takes place on the Internet under to do this with Professor Thomas Seufferlein of the medical faculty of the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg. The clinical and scientific activities of Professor Seufferlein focuses on cancer research in the field of Gastroenterology. Questions to the expert can immediately online under be sent cancer clinic. We want to know: what is since our last cancer consultation 2007 did? There are new findings that enhance the healing and survival? Also in colon cancer stands as the most tumor types, meanwhile the individualized therapy in the foreground. Dr. Neal Barnard takes a slightly different approach.
New approaches were presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) this year’s and world’s largest Cancer Congress. Prof. Seufferlein gives an overview to colon cancer and current treatment options at the beginning of the consultation. Then questions, which have reached us in advance. Colorectal cancer is the second most common cancer in both sexes. In Germany approximately 37,200 men and 36,000 women will develop according to the Robert Koch Institute annually this tumor.
About six percent of the German population must expect almost five million people according to estimates, to colon cancer in the course of their lives. Information about colon cancer, visit our website, 107900.html. For doctors and professionals: Versions of ASCO gastrointestinal tumors under… arzt_asco_2008_gastro_weiche… We would be pleased if you refer to our current date in your media. The German Cancer Society e.V. (DKG) is the largest Oncology network of experts in the German-speaking countries and with over 6000 members. The Internet portal has an average 800,000 visitors a month, and reached around 1.2 million page impressions.
Optimal Nutrition For Athletes
As healthy and drinking do not forget! Wolfsburg, the July 6, 2010 – as an athlete, eats what he should drink before, during and after training, depends on many factors. Endurance athletes have different energy needs”as professional athletes. And the passionate Jogger, who regularly turns his rounds, should pay attention more to his diet, as those who only sporadically put on the running shoes. Proper nutrition for endurance sports endurance athletes who go walking, jogging or cycling, are active. To not pass out”to make, they should eat sufficiently before the sport. Carbohydrate-rich foods such as bread, potatoes, pasta and rice, as well as many fruits and vegetables are ideal for endurance athletes.
Carbohydrates are the nutrients that the fastest will be absorbed and metabolized by the body. Source: PCRM. A morning wholegrain Musli with fresh fruit such as grapes or apples and healthy nuts such as walnuts or hazelnuts is ideal. As Basis for the Musli curd or milk are good. Proper nutrition for motor sports for sports like bodybuilding, climbing or intense hiking, same as for endurance sports recommendations in principle. The crucial difference is that the fatigue effect occurs typically faster in motor sport.
Before the start of training, best 1-2 hours in advance, strength athletes should eat therefore particularly carbohydrate-rich. And even after the physical activity carbohydrates for strength athletes are the nutrients of choice. But also protein foods such as dairy products, meat and legumes are necessarily on the menu. Protein drinks or protein shakes are to recommend that want to optimize their muscle mass, however, only for strength athletes. Basic fitness, age and gender play a major role older people often have a decreased hunger and thirst. Sporty active seniors must make sure therefore to a regular food and fluid intake otherwise threaten fatigue conditions and circulatory disorders. The energy density of the food should be but not so high as a result of the reduced basal metabolic rate in the age. Women have less muscle mass than men naturally and are physically not so resilient. Women exert power sports, in the form of bodybuilding, for example, they need to take more breaks and populate consumed energy storage more often than male athletes. People with an inadequate base fitness, depleting faster than experienced athletes. You need more breaks, as well as more energy during sporting activity. Who issued it, requires fast carbohydrates such as glucose or sweet fruit during the training phase. After the training – snacks, fruit, or whole, eat normally? Athletes who seek a weight reduction, access after your workout to fat and filling, fiber-rich foods. These include fish, poultry, lean pork and fruit and vegetables. Condition athletes without obesity and those who exercise cardio training, can eat anything in principle what tastes them. Strength athletes, the aim of which is to build muscle mass, again fill their reserves after training with protein-rich meals or special drinks. Christina Impala which directly is GesundheitsWelt GmbH was founded in a young online companies from Wolfsburg, which 2007 employees of the Deutsche BKK. The Internet portal offers its customers quality tested products around the topics of health, fitness and wellness. This service is rounded off by a carefully researched editorial content. Contact: GesundheitsWelt directly GmbH contact Mr. Thomas Schlichter (Managing Director) diesel road 33 38446 Wolfsburg Tel: 05361-4366222 fax: 05361-4366202 E-mail: Web:
Overweight Healthy Weight Loss
Information about a sport for obese, which helps with weight loss, without that they themselves must torture. Healthy lose weight only works with regular sports and helps the right sport, without that man himself must torment. Increasingly the knowledge prevails also in overweight, more exercise, healthy sport, consider a permanent weight loss and weight are essential. The future difficulties are aware many runs that are overweight in the battle for fewer pounds physically really need to torment, those in television shows in mind at the latest. The question is logical consequences and the selection vital to the success of the right sport. From the realization that only a negative energy balance over a longer period of time brings customer follow-up, and for practical reasons the sport should be favored at home. So the conversion considered necessary to a healthy way of life with an integral part of more movement succeed easier. Exercise bikes of various kinds are available for this application to the selection.
Why then many of these to the part of high-tech devices at home gathering dust, founded a insufficient motivation and poor staying power of the individual, on the other hand is is it maybe missing fun at the sport. Who has still been found not the right sport, but seriously wants to overcome its lack of exercise, should even with the training”deal on a highly elastic trampoline. In contrast to classic trampoline with steel springs, highly elastic Rebounders with rubber rope rings are equipped. There are many insights about the health-promoting effects of swinging on highly elastic trampolines, which fortunately also increasingly have been published in recent years on the Internet. Trampoline swing (rebounding) total body workout and a sporting offer for anyone who is as health sports unless as fitness training for beginners, as the special training device for women or for the senior sports. An overweight experienced in training”on “the trampoline as follows: compared with traditional jogging as the accepted fat burner”, jogs or swings you on the trampoline joint-gentle, insistent, with similar high calorie consumption, without overloading themselves and all too quickly to shortness of breath. Who daily 20 minutes (even distributed) swings trampoline, creating so a regular calorie consumption by about 250 kcal.
A negative energy balance of this size means a weight loss of 1 kg per month. A particular advantage of the swing on a high elastic trampoline is that you not feel it as a performance-oriented sport, it acts but still very intense. Burn fat bouncing thus becomes a real alternative to many other sports for overweight associated with high levels of stress. Low loads in sports have a motivating and fun. But swing trampoline is more than a joint-gentle training”with high calorie consumption. The permanent exchange of weightlessness and gravity effect while swinging supports muscle building and Muscle maintenance. The activation of the largest metabolic organ, the muscles, helps to stimulate the overall metabolism and to bring back into balance. For more information, overweight take off.