The Obama Factor

Why study abroad in the United States is again fully in line with the trend breathe America’s universities. The change of Government in the United States has apparently stopped the negative trend of recent years, the United States rise again in the international standing and with him the number of foreign students. Nevertheless: the high tuition fees at U.S. colleges to deter many students of, to opt for an alien in the United States. However, you should not throw the shotgun in the grain. A there are many ways of promoting a study yet to fund, on the other hand, there are all sorts of good reasons to choose for one of the prestigious American universities.

Over the past years stood for American universities and educational institutions under a lucky star. In protest against the former Bush administration, many foreign students shunned the previously popular travel and exchange student. Mainly young German students admitted, due to political conflicts of conscience deliberately against studying in the United States to have decided. The land of opportunity of education has greatly suffered from the bad image of his previous Government and had to take high losses in intellectual and financial terms in purchasing. Sorry, many Exchange organizations found that the visa rules tightened in the wake of the anti-terrorist measures complicate not only the entry of international students, but in General as a result, the impression will give them to be unwelcome in the United States.

With the change of Government, also the setting from abroad to the United States seem to have positively changed. At the latest since 2008, again increasing numbers can be updated in the tourism as in the education sector. To the delight of American universities. Because even if the United States fell into disrepute in recent years increasingly because of its foreign policy, the US universities enjoy internationally is still an excellent image.

Author: admin