Contrary to popular opinion, 80% of the acquired during a lifetime sun exposure does not occur before age 18; only 23% happens until that age. Between 19 and 40 years we absorb 47% of the Sun’s rays; between 41 and 59 70% and the balance of the 71 years and older. While older we become more vulnerable we are. Melanoma is attributed a three per cent of all cancer cases but it produces 75% of deaths. A person per hour died from skin cancer. The chances of surviving the melanoma detected early, before the tumour penetrates the skin, is 90%. If the disease progresses the chances of saving is reduced to 15%. A blister caused by the Sun during childhood or adolescence duplicates the appearance of melanoma later in life.
The risk increases if the person had five or more burns of skin at any age. Contrary to popular opinion, recent studies show that people get sufficient doses of UV radiation over the course of his life without having to expose yourself to the Sun openly. The number of women under 40 with skin cancer has doubled in the past 30 years. Up to 39, the women are doubly likely to develop Melanoma earlier than any other cancer, except for breast. Starting at 40, the incidence of melanoma in men more than women and this tendency increases with age. The artificial ultraviolet radiation is carcinogenic.
Users of tanning beds receive 12 times more UV radiation than those who are exposed to the Sun and have two and a half times more likely to develop cancer. Consequently, the risk of melanoma increases by 65%. To avoid skin cancer it is recommended to not be exposed to the Sun directly, use sunblock, t-shirt, and in usual form, wide-brimmed hat, and make a skin check-up once a year. original author and source of the article.